Dear Jim,
quick feedback.

First of all congratulation on making this work. As I suspected the
bottleneck is getting the data out of HDFS.
I can think about two things (which we are not mutually exclusive):

-1- Maybe complex, put smaller bits into HFDS and use the mosaic to
serve or even develop a light(er)weight layer that can pull the

This would help with WMS requests over large files as you'll end up
use smaller chunks to satisfy them most of the time

-2- We could build a more complex ImageInputStream that:

- has an internal cache (file and or memory) that does not get thrown
away upon each request but tends to live longer for each single file
in HDF
- we would have different streams reuse the same cache. Multiple
requests might read data from the cache concurrently but when data is
not there, we would block the thread for the request, go back to HFDS,
pull the data, write to the cache and so on

We could put together 1 and 2 to make things faster.

Hope this helps, anyway, I am in favour of exploring this in order to
allow the GeoServer stack to support data from HDFS.

Simone Giannecchini
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On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Jim Hughes <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to report on my success with registering and displaying GeoTiffs
> stored on HDFS.  There are some limitations with this approach;
> particularly, I am unsure if there's anyway to cache / memory-map the
> data.  As such, I believe each request is re-downloading the entire file.
> Generally, I hope to document my approach well enough so that others
> could follow it (if needed) and to solicit feedback.  In terms of
> feedback, I'd love to hear 1) if there are improvements, and 2) if the
> changes are reasonable enough to be considered for a proposal/merge request.
> That out of the way, here's the rough outline:
> 1.  Register additional URL handlers.
> 2.  Convince validation layers in GeoServer that 'hdfs' is an ok URL scheme.
> 3.  Get bytes out of the HDFS file.
> For step 1, note that Java's URL scheme is pluggable via
>  The docs(1) point out that one can call
> URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory to setup a Factory to provide such a
> handler.  This method can only be called once, and folks from the
> internet (2) do yoga since Tomcat already registers a factory.  They
> seem to have missed the fact that the Tomcat factory actually lets you
> add your own.  I provide a gist (3) to show a little bean which will
> instantiate a Hadoop URL handler and try to install it using both of
> those methods.
> There are two places I found in GeoServer which validate the URL given
> in the page for adding a GeoTiff.  The first is the GeoServer
> FileExistValidator which calls out to a Wicket UrlValidator. Telling the
> Wicket class to allow_all_schemes knocks out that issue.  For the
> second, in the FileModel, one needs to provide a happy path for URLs
> which are not local to the filesystem.  Those two small changes are here
> (4).
> Once GeoServer will register a GeoTiff coverage with a non-'file://'
> URL, we need to read the bytes.  Javax has an interface
> javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi which adapts between instances of
> a particular class and an ImageInputStream.
> For my prototype, I wrote an instance of this interface which takes a
> string, checks if it starts with "hdfs", creates a URL, and returns new
> MemoryCacheImageInputStream(url.openStream()).  The only problem with
> this approach is that there is already an implementation which handles
> Strings, and GeoTools's ImageIOExt tries the first one and skips any
> others.  One can update that handling (5) slightly to try all the
> handlers.  It'd probably be better to update (6) to try url.openStream
> as a fallback.
> During testing, I worked with the sfdem.tif which ships with GeoServer.
> The hdfs layer was a little slower than the local filesystem layer, but
> it wasn't unusable.  To crank things up, I tried out a 600+ megabyte
> GeoTiff from Natural Earth, and it was downright slow.  Using a network
> monitor, I was able to observe network traffic consistent with the
> entire file being re-read for most requests.  I think this approach may
> be slightly useful for layers which are infrequently accessed and then
> only be a few users.
> Thanks to everyone who had suggestions and encouragement for the
> original thread!
> Cheers,
> Jim
> Step 1: Register additional URL handlers:
> 1.
> 2.
> 3. Gist for a bean to register the Hadoop URL handlers:
> Step 2: GeoServer changes:
> 4.
> The FileModel change could be a little more robust.
> Step 3: GeoTools changes:
> 5.
> Or one could modify the URL handling here:
> 6.
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