Yeah, still that implies that the order of the files specified in the aggregation must be the same as the order of values for the aggregated dimension inside those files themselves. I can find no such specification though, but maybe I am missing it. It seems that in the examples on, the files are always specified in order.

Otherwise we have to the rather expensive operation of going through all of the Strings,convert them to Dates, then find the minimum/maximum for each time getMimimum() and getMaximum() is called. But then again, I wonder if we shouldn't do the same for non-time values (regular CoordinateValue).

What do you think?


On 28-09-16 11:41, Daniele Romagnoli wrote:
Hi Niels,

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Niels Charlier < <>> wrote:

    On 23-09-16 17:03, Daniele Romagnoli wrote:
    I think that once the aggregation is in place, times can be in
    any order as you reported, so I think it's time to revisit the
    timeVariable min/max computation (not sure there are other
    methods around based on that supposition. I didn't check it yet).
    Although, it seems that in netcdf-java's
    CoordinateAxis1D.getMinValue() en CoordinateAxis1D.getMaxValue(),
    an assumption is made that the extremes are at the beginning and end.

Good catch. Are you referring to this?

    It does take into account the order may be decreasing as well as
    increasing, but not random.

    Perhaps we should remain consistent with that?

I would say yes.


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