I'm writing this mail to propose the move of the geopackge module to
supported land.
The proposal is backed by this pull request, adding the final touches to
the module:

Looking at the procedures, it does not look like I have to write a format
proposal in the wiki

In terms of "gold stars" (
http://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/procedures/check.html) the module

   - Correct headers: check
   - Releasable no blocking bugs in jira: check
   - Used in anger: sort of, GeoServer has a
   - Optimised: one can use the low level API, the high level is as
   optimised as as any other JDBC based module, the reader reads the right
   overview and only the tiles need to cover the requested area. Changes made
   so that we don't try to create all geopackage tables each and every time a
   connection is grabbed. Check.
   - Supported: the pull request has docs, the module maintainer would be
   me but others are welcomed to join :-). Check.

I'd say the module is 4 stars and something.

In terms of compliance with the CITE tests, there are two small picky tests
that we are failing, I plan to fix that soon too (not that CITE compliance,
or lack there of, has been part of module evaluations before, but it's nice
to know that we're 99% there).

Feedback welcomed!


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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