Salve Andrea,

Thanks for the input, I will read the info send by Ben in order to add this
new +1 parameter to repository.

*More Info*
I have read the idea behind the cellsize and the actual cluster position.
Having this parameter set on *true*, the issue with with crossing the grid
can be mitigated with the cellSize and (min|max)zoomdenimination (in my
particular case under a certain zoom the points are shown at their true
The gain in having this parameter is that the cluster is positioned inside
the area where points are located (see use-case-1.jpg and

*Behind the scene*
Some developers may want this behavior in order to have an alternative to
OpenLayers's  clusterization strategy. I had some issues with 13.000 points
to be clustered at the client side. The browser memory spiked to 3-400 MB.
Having this option can alleviate the memory foot print on the client side
not to mention issues regarding mobile's app development.

*On a side note:*
 - I do have some plans to add more parameters to point stacker.
 - I have seen that if you treat it as* tiled layer* some weird artifacts
appear. I will investigate further.

Have a nice day.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> Hi Cosmin,
> I do not mind having the new parameter, +1 adding it.
> While I did not work on the point stacker, as far as I remember
> the reason for the current behavior is to avoid having two point stacks
> end up being too close to
> each other due to the data cluster being small and concentrated, and end
> up crossing
> the grid used to compute the clusters
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Cosmin CIORANU <>
> wrote:
>> Salve Guys,
>> First,
>> I'm new to geotools project, so I apologize, if by mistake, I might break
>> some protocols.
>> Second, I whish to get down to the matter at hand.
>> I did issue a new functionality GEOT-5555. It is related to
>> gt-process-feature project, to gs:PointStacker in which points stacked in
>> cluster go outside of the region of interest. I do recognize in some
>> use-cases this behavior is needed but in my particular one is not.
>> So I propose to be added a new property called *weightClusterPosition *which
>> will be calculated as an average between points staked under this point.
>> The default values is false in order not to break the current behavior.
>> Any other thoughts on the matter ?
>> More information here
>> *Other info:*
>> The above functionality(as proposed) was in implemented on demo geoserver
>> project (on 14.5 geotools). The screens attached to issue were created
>> using that version
>> Also, I have made the necessary codding updates on the 17 SNAPSHOT. I'm
>> not quite sure how to proceed to make them available on github (Quite new
>> to git also).
>> Cosmin
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