
Jody Garnett

Kevin Smith

Jukka Rahkonen

Torben Barsballe

Actions from Last Meeting


   Jody: Letter for JTS Topology Suite Release (permission to distribute
   Oracle classes as BSD):



   Automated CITE Tests

   Java 9

   OSGeo CITE Application

   OSGeo Budget request

   Sprint Planning

   Google Code In Tasks (Education outreach)

   Pull Request Roundup



   Jody/Torben: Schedule CITE debugging session

   Jody: Remind GeoTools PMC to vote on Java 9 Proposal

   Jody: Forward OSGeo CITE Application email and determine how much time
   is left for this renewal application. Probably not much because automatic
   mail from OGC says “are due to be renewed by *October 31st, 2017*.

   Jody: Need a spreadsheet comparing sprint location costs to justify
   budget request (short list from email discussion, compare flights and
   accommodation for January/February?)

   Kevin: Bounce GWC planning of gwc email list for discussion review

   Jody: Revise with
   features list from OSGeo-Live

Automated CITE Tests

All except wfs 1.1 working on apollo.

For upgrading to new CITE tests; waiting on this activity to complete (and
sufficient resources).



   Looks like we need debugging session to see where test case is stuck (so
   JDB session on

   Or list the open files and ports for the test case (how to determine
   process ID for the test?)

Java 9

Pull request in review, proposal could be reviewed and approved, awaiting



   Jody: Remind GeoTools PMC to vote

OSGeo CITE Application

OSGeo has a reminder from OGC to renew stuff; see email on
list. Jody will forward.

If we manually run the tests and see what we pass we can get certification
for this year free-of-charge due to partnership between OSGeo and OGC.

Can we ask for a volunteer to stand up a server and run the tests, whatever
we pass we can submit, whatever we do not pass we could make a bug report.
It is not automated but it would be something …

Not sure if we can do this, email seems to indicate Oct 31st.



   Jody: Forward email and determine how much time is left for this renewal
   application. Probably not much because automatic mail from OGC says “are
   due to be renewed by
   *October 31st, 2017*. BTW GeoServers can be found from under Product
   Provider: Boundless. Latest version on the list is 2.9.1.

OSGeo Budget request

A reminder to think about this was sent out by Anita, to have on hand for
November Budget.

Budget ideas GeoServer


   sprint planning, see below, was $3000 last year

   consider hiring student to run cite tests (see above) it would be a good
   way to promote standards and interoperability for all our projects :D

Budget ideas for GWC


   via incubation committee, but budget still available?

   asked for ideas on mailing list, anything suitable there? See below...

   license cleanup, distributed contributors, idea?

Budget idea for GeoTools


   RPE JAI Wrapper sprint, use $3000 above as a guide? Or look at more
   extensive fundraising

Discussion on use of students


   Intern to run CITE tests is not a bad idea

Sprint Planning

Kevin seems to be the  most organized getting GWC refresh underway.

GWC Sprint outline:


   code cleanup in 2017 to get the codebase ready

   add new features during sprint:

      based on competitive analysis with other products

      review of geoserver integration

Idea: Importer cleanup


   Clean up codebase, use of switch statements

   Goal: Import geopkg with styling and publish as GeoServer workspace
   (unpacking styles etc... as needed)

JAI Replacement:


   Targeted for OSGeo sprint in Bonn



   Need a spreadsheet comparing location costs to justify budget request
   (short list from email discussion, compare flights and accommodation for

   Kevin: Bounce GWC planning of gwc email list for discussion review

Google Code In Tasks (Education outreach)

This is for highschool, similar goals as GSOC, but instead focused on
getting students to *use* open source.

There was email on discuss (ha ha) Jody has put in a couple geotools tasks
that amount to compiling and running the quickstart to display a shapefile.

GeoServer tasks suggestions welcome.

Contact vickie for access to shared google doc of tasks (this is private
because students are in a competition to complete tasks).

Pull Request Roundup

- GeoTools:


   failing, kevin?


   Reviewed, awaiting response from submitter


   Got an email wondering why this was not merged, thing it is missing a
   test case still


   work in progress, not merged yet


   reviewed by aaime, feedback addressed, questions answered

   If discussion is settled this can be merged?

   Jody notes an API change, asks if proposal required


   feedback addressed, torben is merging

   Q: backport? WIll ask on PR.


   open feedback awaiting changes;


   backport merged


   PR looks sensible

   1st time contributor, Torben is asking for for CLA

   Jody, Some formatting problems, provided link to developers guide


   Andrea already asked for a testcase, currently waiting


   Java 9

   Discussion indicates this is waiting on javadocs for new factory methods

   Compatibility with ImageIO Registrable Service

   Downstream testing with GeoServer, GWC, others, …


   Waiting on test case and CLA

   No feedback for 3-4 months

   Subject of previous review roundup

   Jody has sent a request out to both bug ticket and PR, providing links
   between the two so the PR can be closed if we do not get a response.


   Fix may be wrong, not quite certain

   Additional logic seems “okay” but ignores converter design

   Tests rewritten and avoid color literals, reduced test coverage would
   open us up to breaking existing working functionality
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