Hi Andrea,
thanks for the feedback, please see my answers bellow :)

On 03/07/2018 03:25 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
Hi Nuno,
not against but I have a couple of worries.

1) The where clause generated by GeoServer talks about attributes visible when the full query is run, depending on the query complexity one might decide to place the where somewhere that only has a subset of such attributes computed (e..g, case with inner queries). This will eventually break the query if the wrong attribute is filtered upon. I guess this migth be dealt with at the documentation level: "hey dude, we give you this opportunity, the mechanism works like this <lenghly explanation here>, you can shoot yourself in the foot with it, don't blame us"

As I said:
//This comes handy (better performance) when we have extra operations that //
//can  be done on top of the rows filtered with the GeoServer filter first./

The :where_clause: clause should always be applied at the point where we have
already all the final attributes (attributes GeoServer is aware of).

I understand your concern, a user may create the view and put the WHERE
place holder in a nested deep query where only a portion of the attributes are
available and then everything will be fine until a new request that uses a non
available attribute is requested ...

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to prevent that to happen except warn
the user about the correct usage of the placeholder in the documentation.

2) The SQL View mechanism is generic, cross database... will whatever query location work along with paging and query hints across     all databases? What I'm asking here is to consider all JDBCDataStore implementation, as this is not "Oracle sql views", but "sql views" :-p
    Again, this might be documented, e.g., "Sorry XYZ users, :where_clause: is not 
for you"

are available in ANSI SQL (maybe I'm wrong). My example is a PostgreSQL query, 
I didn't
test it with Oracle but I have similar queries that work that way in Oracle too 


Summarizing, this is an advanced feature that may come handy in some use cases 
enough to be handled by ANSI SQL) but if a user uses it wrong it can bite him 
hard :)

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Nuno Oliveira <nuno.olive...@geo-solutions.it <mailto:nuno.olive...@geo-solutions.it>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Sorry for the cross porting but this touches the two projects ...

    I would like to extend the current support of SQL views (Virtual Tables) to
    allow us to add a placeholder for the where clause where GeoServer will
    add the needed filter.

    This comes handy (better performance) when we have extra operations that
    can  be done on top of the rows filtered with the GeoServer filter first.

    Consider the following use case: we have several meteorological stations
    that have several measurements (wind speed, temperature, humidity,
    etc ..) and for each one we are only interested in the last measurement for
    each available measurement type.

    We can create a query that returns exactly what we want:

          (SELECT st.common_name AS STATION_NAME,
                  ob.value AS MEASUREMENT,
                  pr.param_name AS MEASUREMENT_TYPE,
                  st.position AS LOCATION,
        *ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY st.id <http://st.id>, pr.param_name**
        **                            ORDER BY ob.time DESC) AS RANK*
           FROM meteo.meteo_stations st
           LEFT JOIN meteo.meteo_observations ob ON st.id <http://st.id> = 
           LEFT JOIN meteo.meteo_parameters pr ON ob.parameter_id = pr.id 
<http://pr.id>) AS stations
        WHERE RANK = 1;

    The issue is that this query will NOT be as efficient as it can be when 
used with GeoServer,
    actually the performance will be quite bad. This happens because GeoServer 
will add
    is WHERE clause around the query above, which means that the ranking will 
    for all the data set first and only after we will filter what we don't need.

    The following query that uses the :where_clause: placeholder will do the 
opposite, we will first
    filter what we don't want and then do the ranking:

        *                            ORDER BY TIME DESC) AS RANK*
             (SELECT st.id <http://st.id> AS STATION_ID,
                     st.common_name AS STATION_NAME,
                     ob.value AS MEASUREMENT,
                     pr.param_name AS MEASUREMENT_TYPE,
                     ob.time AS TIME,
                     st.position AS LOCATION
              FROM meteo.meteo_stations st
              LEFT JOIN meteo.meteo_observations ob ON st.id <http://st.id> = 
              LEFT JOIN meteo.meteo_parameters pr ON ob.parameter_id = pr.id 
              WHERE 1 = 1 *:where_clause:*) AS stations_filtered) AS stations
        WHERE RANK = 1;

    This will make the usage of some SQL analytic functions affordable 
(performance wise) with

    The changes in the code are quite small (a few lines), and this is an 
additive change fully
    backward compatible.

    Any objection ? comments ?


    Nuno Oliveira

-- Regards,
    Nuno Oliveira
    GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visithttp://goo.gl/it488V 
 for more information.

    Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
    Software Engineer

    GeoSolutions S.A.S.
    Via di Montramito 3/A
    55054  Massarosa (LU)
    phone:+39 0584 962313 <tel:+39%200584%20962313>
    fax:+39 0584 1660272 <tel:+39%200584%20166%200272>

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Andrea Aime

==GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit http://goo.gl/it488V for more information.==Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolfTechnical LeadGeoSolutions S.A.S.Via di Montramito 3/A55054  Massarosa (LU)phone: +39 0584 962313fax: +39 0584 1660272mob: +39  339 8844549http://www.geo-solutions.ithttp://twitter.com/geosolutions_it


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