Hi Ben,
ah, good to know!
Hopefully no one will commit on January 1st 2020 :-p


On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 11:32 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>

> Yes, I predicted last week that 
> DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimitiveTest.testDistance
> would file on 9 June 2018. I wrote:
> <quote>
> There is a logic error in the test! The test assumes that the duration
> from 25 July 1985 from 1 January 2000 (6734 days) is not the same as the
> duration from 1 January 2000 to today. But this happens. Once! I am just
> not sure why it seems to have happened one week early on 2 June 2018.
> $ date -u -d "6734 day 12:00 25 July 1981 UTC"
> Sat  1 Jan 12:00:00 UTC 2000
> $ date -u -d "6734 day 12:00 1 Jan 2000 UTC"
> Sat  9 Jun 12:00:00 UTC 2018
> </quote>
> It will work fine tomorrow. I followed identifying a test that will fail
> in 2020:
> <quote>
> And we can also expect this test to fail on 1 January 2020:
> https://github.com/geotools/geotools/blob/master/modules/lib
> rary/main/src/test/java/org/geotools/temporal/object/Defau
> ltTemporalGeometricPrimitiveTest.java#L95
> The last time this test failed in 2012 the fix was to increase the year to
> 2020:
> [GEOT-3995] org.geotools.temporal.object.DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimitiveTest
> fails in 2012
> https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOT-3995
> https://github.com/geotools/geotools/commit/15aa91e588def1ec
> 9822b0308c9fffb8fff5821d#diff-8f07c1965dae55b7158e9080c79486e5
> </quote>
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 10/06/18 01:09, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> didn't you fiddle with this test, or a similar one, lately? Or reported
>> that this failure was about to happen again?
>> Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005
>> sec <<< FAILURE! - in
>> org.geotools.temporal.object.DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimitiveTest
>> testDistance(org.geotools.temporal.object.DefaultTemporalGeo
>> metricPrimitiveTest)
>>   Time elapsed: 0.005 sec  <<< FAILURE!
>> java.lang.AssertionError: null
>>         at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:86)
>>         at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:41)
>>         at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:64)
>>         at org.junit.Assert.assertFalse(Assert.java:74)
>>         at org.geotools.temporal.object.DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimiti
>> veTest.testDistance(DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimitiveTest.java:73)
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 2:52 PM, <moni...@boundlessgeo.com> wrote:
>> See <https://build.geoserver.org/job/geotools-master/2562/displa
>>> y/redirect?page=changes>
>>> Changes:
>>> [Andrea Aime] Switch to explicit formatter checking, instead of local
>>> modification
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> [...truncated 323.44 KB...]
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping SWT widgets
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Mapbox Styles Support
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping GRIB gridcoverage module
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping XML Parsing Support
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping WPS XML Support
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping YSLD Parser/Encoder
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Cartographic CSS parser
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Dynamic symbolizer module based on JFreeChart and
>>> Eastwood
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Application Schema Resolver
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Web Map Server client
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Web Processing Service
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Complex Features Support
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Swing widgets
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Application Schema DataAccess
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping WFS client module (NG)
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Tile Client
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping MongoDB DataStore
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping GeoTools Documentation
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Skipping Web Map Tile Service Client
>>> [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous
>>> failures.
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] GeoTools ........................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 3.257 s]
>>> [INFO] Build tools for Geotools 2 ......................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.040 s]
>>> [INFO] Maven plugins for Geotools 2 ....................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.019 s]
>>> [INFO] JAR files collector ................................ SUCCESS [
>>> 4.352 s]
>>> [INFO] Cross-modules javadoc .............................. SUCCESS [
>>> 4.465 s]
>>> [INFO] JJTree and JavaCC compilers plugin ................. SUCCESS [
>>> 2.340 s]
>>> [INFO] Geotools modules ................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.458 s]
>>> [INFO] Geotools libraries ................................. SUCCESS [
>>> 0.020 s]
>>> [INFO] Open GIS Interfaces ................................ SUCCESS [
>>> 10.245 s]
>>> [INFO] Metadata ........................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 19.678 s]
>>> [INFO] Sample data module ................................. SUCCESS [
>>> 4.523 s]
>>> [INFO] Referencing services ............................... SUCCESS [
>>> 24.412 s]
>>> [INFO] API interfaces ..................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 8.417 s]
>>> [INFO] Geotools plugins ................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.022 s]
>>> [INFO] EPSG Authority Service using HSQL database ......... SUCCESS [
>>> 31.267 s]
>>> [INFO] Main module ........................................ FAILURE [
>>> 29.332 s]
>>> [INFO] Geotools extensions ................................ SUCCESS [
>>> 0.015 s]
>>> [INFO] XML Parsing ........................................ SUCCESS [
>>> 0.015 s]
>>> [INFO] XML Parsing ........................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Feature Based Graphs and Networks .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] XML Code Generation Support ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] EPSG Authority Service using WKT file .............. SUCCESS [
>>> 3.670 s]
>>> [INFO] OGC CQL to Filter parser ........................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Grid Coverage module ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] DataStore Support .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Property File DataStore ............................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GeoTIFF grid coverage exchange module .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] JDBC DataStore Support ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] JDBC DataStore Plugins ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] H2 DataStore ....................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Oracle DataStore ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] PostGIS DataStore .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Shapefile module ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Feature transforming feature source wrapper ........ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WorldImage datasource module ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] imagemosaic datasource module ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] ArcGrid datasource module .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GML2 XML Support ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GML3 XML Support ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Filter XML Support ................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SLD XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Render ............................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] OGC Web Service Models ............................. SUCCESS [
>>> 0.016 s]
>>> [INFO] Xlink Model ........................................ SUCCESS [
>>> 2.691 s]
>>> [INFO] Open Web Services Model ............................ SUCCESS [
>>> 10.301 s]
>>> [INFO] Filter Encoding Specification Model ................ SUCCESS [
>>> 3.503 s]
>>> [INFO] Web Feature Service Model .......................... SUCCESS [
>>> 9.000 s]
>>> [INFO] OWS XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Filter Encoding Specification XML Support .......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WFS XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] XML Parsing Support ................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Web Processing Service Model ....................... SUCCESS [
>>> 3.654 s]
>>> [INFO] Web Coverage Service Model ......................... SUCCESS [
>>> 6.517 s]
>>> [INFO] Catalog Services for the Web Model ................. SUCCESS [
>>> 2.551 s]
>>> [INFO] Web Map Tile Service model ......................... SUCCESS [
>>> 22.951 s]
>>> [INFO] ArcSDE plugin ...................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.025 s]
>>> [INFO] ArcSDE dummy api ................................... SUCCESS [
>>> 1.646 s]
>>> [INFO] ArcSDE support classes ............................. SUCCESS [
>>> 4.585 s]
>>> [INFO] ArcSDE DataStore plugin ............................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Dynamic symbolizer module based on JFreeChart and Eastwood SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Extensions to EPSG authority factory ............... SUCCESS [
>>> 6.632 s]
>>> [INFO] EPSG Authority Service using PostgreSQL database ... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.988 s]
>>> [INFO] Feature-Pregeneralized ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] grass raster datasource module ..................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GTopo30 datasource module .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] ImageI/O-Ext based grid coverage readers ........... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] imagepyramid datasource module ..................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] imagemosaic-jdbc module ............................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] DB2 DataStore ...................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] MySQL DataStore .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SQL Server DataStore ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SpatiaLite DataStore ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Teradata DataStore ................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] JP2K based grid coverage readers ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] OGR DataStore Module ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Core OGR DataStore Module .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Bridj OGR DataStore Module ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] JNI OGR DataStore Module ........................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Vertical coordinate transformations ................ SUCCESS [
>>> 2.645 s]
>>> [INFO] Dynamic symbolizers for SVG symbols ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Coverage Multidimensional Module ................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.028 s]
>>> [INFO] API interfaces ..................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] NetCDF gridcoverage module ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GRIB gridcoverage module ........................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GeoPackage Module .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Application Schema Support ......................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.026 s]
>>> [INFO] Application Schema Resolver ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Complex Features Support ........................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Application Schema DataAccess ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] MongoDB DataStore .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Sample DataAccess .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Brewer module ...................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Vector grids ....................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Validation Processor and Framework ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Web Map Server client .............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Geotools unsupported ............................... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.032 s]
>>> [INFO] Process ............................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Swing widgets ...................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Tile Client ........................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WMTS XML Support ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Web Map Tile Service Client ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] KML XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WCS XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WPS XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WMS XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] CSW XML Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Process Feature .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Process Raster ..................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] YSLD Parser/Encoder ................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SWT widgets ........................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GeoJSON Support .................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Process Geometry ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] MBTiles Module ..................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WFS client module (NG) ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] ISO 19107 implementation using JTS ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Geometries ......................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Web Processing Service ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Application Schema Support (Unsupported Modules) ... SUCCESS [
>>> 0.015 s]
>>> [INFO] SOLR module ........................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Geobuf DataStore ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Cartographic CSS parser ............................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GeoJSON Datastore .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Mapbox Styles Support .............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] CSVDataStore ....................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] EPSG Authority Factory for Oracle .................. SUCCESS [
>>> 1.294 s]
>>> [INFO] Next Generation JDBC DataStores .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Simple Feature Service store ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Aggregating DataStore .............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] gt-s3-geotiff ...................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] GeoTools Documentation ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [INFO] Total time: 02:05 min (Wall Clock)
>>> [INFO] Finished at: 2018-06-09T12:52:29+00:00
>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 143M/1618M
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven
>>> -surefire-plugin:2.15:test
>>> (default-test) on project gt-main: There are test failures.
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] Please refer to <https://build.geoserver.org/j
>>> ob/geotools-master/ws/modules/library/main/target/surefire-reports> for
>>> the individual test results.
>>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
>>> -e switch.
>>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>>> please read the following articles:
>>> [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/conflu
>>> ence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
>>> command
>>> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :gt-main
>>> Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------
>>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>>> engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> GeoTools-Devel mailing list
>>> GeoTools-Devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geotools-devel
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand


Regards, Andrea Aime == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
Visit http://goo.gl/it488V for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime
@geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 55054
Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339
8844549 http://www.geo-solutions.it http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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