On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 9:55 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>

> The Upgrade to JTS 1.15 is in progress
> <https://github.com/geotools/geotools/wiki/Upgrade-to-JTS-1.15>, with
> several releases in the chain already made:
> * JTS 1.15.1 released and syncing to maven central
> * java-vector-tile 1.3.1 released to repo.boundlessgeo.com
> * hatbox 1.0-b10 released to repo.boundlessgeo.com
> * geodb 0.9 released to repo.boundlessgeo.com
> * jaitools 1.5.0 is tagged, we have permission to release to maven central
> The next numbered release is jai-ext, if we can ask the jai-ext team merge
> #196 <https://github.com/geosolutions-it/jai-ext/pull/196> and make a
> 1.0.24 release.

So, PR build restored, and merged. However we figured out that a 1.0.24 is
not possible, as we often need jai-ext fixes also
for the stable and maintenance branches of GeoTools and GeoServer.
We never had one before, but this change made imposes to have a stable
branch for jai-ext too, a 1.0.x, turning the master
where this PR lands into 1.1.x (which will cause some extra maintenance
cost on jai-ext for the year to come, one extra
branch, two releases for each fix, we all know the drill.)

Thus, we released a new 1.1.0 just to host the "Locationtech JTS", while
1.0.x keeps on depending on the "classic" one.
I've made a quick check locally with the update branch, changed the
versions of JTS to 1.15.1 and jai-ext to 1.1.0,
the jars can be downloaded from repos, but did not get very far with tests,
fails to lookup version numbers (I see a test assuming JTS version 1.14.0
there, might be the cause).
I guess the branch is still not actually building?

Made another round skipping tests, to see if at least it compiles, made it
almost to the end, but could not locate

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project gt-jdbc-h2: Could not resolve
dependencies for project org.geotools.jdbc:gt-jdbc-h2:jar:20-SNAPSHOT:
Could not find artifact net.sourceforge.hatbox:hatbox:jar:1.0.b10 in
central.maven.org (http://central.maven.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]



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