On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 8:12 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "I think it is a requirement for the work". The work is "Restructure
>> GeoTools into Jigsaw modules" and covers two items:
>> * Providing an automatic module name for each jar
>> * Refactoring the codebase to avoid package conflicts
>> Can you explain how this package renaming is required for the job, or how
>> the goal would be unattainable without, or would require more
>> time to attain if we did not do this package rename?
> Renaming the "org.opengis" packages, or moving their classes elsewhere, is
> not required to do the work.

Thanks for confirming

> - I think it is smart as we are in conflict over the use of these package
> names (not sure about you but I get emails from the ogc about this)
> - No party interested in OGC GeoAPI compatibility has come forward
> This is a good opportunity to fix as the library is already being
> refactored.

It is indeed, and we can do it at the end once everything else is working,
ending up with an unfinished port because we wasted
time on a good but unrelated opportunity would simply be irresponsible.

> The upgrade work will have to go over all supported modules, all
>> unsupported of common usage (e..g, wfs, css, csv), and make sure they still
>> work.
>> That's a ton of stuff, we are talking hundreds of modules spread across
>> various projects that we'll have to vet both at compile time and at runtime.
>> I'm worried that we might not have the manpower to do so, and yet,
>> failing to do so will give us a crippled GeoServer that would need further
>> (unfunded) work in the months to come.
> I agree we need a lot more people for the code sprint. I made a blog post
> on the geoserver blog seeking contributors (and sponsors so we can attract
> more contributors who would otherwise be paying out of pocket to attend).

What we have now in the table is likely who we can expect to participate
full time. We might get more, but not for sure, and probably not full time.
Hence me pushing for keeping the sprint focused.



Regards, Andrea Aime == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
Visit http://goo.gl/it488V for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime
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8844549 http://www.geo-solutions.it http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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