On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 10:48 PM Torben Barsballe <
tbarsba...@boundlessgeo.com> wrote:

>    1.
>    build and run in JDK 11
>    Everything in our stack (jaitools, jai-ext, imageio-ext, geotools,
>    geowebcache, geoserver) builds and run without any flag added, off the
>    classpath (it's ok to have warnings). This will allow us to get JDK 11
>    builds going.
>    1.
>       Compile: Andrea has made considerable progress here, to mirror you
>       need to check out and build locally all the dependencies
>       2.
>       Pass tests: This may require updating some dependencies
>       (this can be split up)
The PRs that I've sent do not just compile, they pass a full "mvn clean
install", that includes tests,
if you take the time to build every bit from sources, in turn. Not sure how
this got overlooked.

There is however one catch in the GeoServer one, everything builds in core
and extensions, however, while the security LDAP module builds, but the
tests are actually skipped because the embedded LDAP server used for tests
is not starting up (I'm guessing the config files are not compatible
anymore, but I'm not sure). We need an LDAP expert to fix it.

The imageio-ext and GeoWebCache pull requests instead are ready to go, they
could be merged now on master. The GeoTools one had a few issues that I
fixed, it's ready to go too. Finally jai-ext goes through a full "mvn
install" without any change.

>    1.
>    Reduce warnings from Dependency Analysis Tools
>    Get as much as possible build and run without warnings.
>    1.
>       This cannot be automated, and is y we have so many people in the
>       sprint!
The "fix" column advertises using "add-modules" as the solution, but there
might be better ways,
such as upgrading the dependencies or changing the code we're using. I want
to try and persue those before
giving up on what looks like a band-aid.

>    1.
>    Module repackage
>    Add automatic module descriptors, eliminate split packages in library
>    projects
>    1.
>       Repackage
>       2.
>       make sure we can run a true module app depending on the automatic
>       modules (idea, we could use the demo module, already depending on many 
> of
>       the others, and make that one a true module?).
>       3.
>       Adjust imports and the like as needed in all projects, try to
>       collect migration scripts to help others do the same.
>       2.
>    org.opengis repackage
>    Swich gt-api away from using org.opengis package, upgrade everything
>    else to follow
>    1.
>       repackage
>       2.
>       update emf models and regenerate
Did anyone look at how to do this step? Newer version of Eclipse might need
EMF/XSD updates and possibly changes in the product structure, picking the
right version used to
generate each bit is quite messy. Last few times I did, could not get the
current Eclipse version to work, and had to do a history search and get the
Eclipse version that was "current"
when the EMF module in question was generated in order to modify the beans.

> GeoServer Doc & GeoWebCache site hosting
> The server “wedge” running this stuff is decommissioned:
>    -
>    docs.geoserver.org
>    -
>       this is too big for githubpages? (Limit is 1G, docs currently ~7G
>       due to point versions from releases)
>       -
>          We could only publish stable, maintenance, master
Sourceforge has the zip of the HTML docs for every release, so keeping the
last 3 would not be a problem

>    -
>          Alternative publish to S3
>          -
>    http://geowebcache.org
>    -
>       github pages
>       -
>    need to update build box
> Discussion:
>    -
>    Jody prefers github pages so that everyone can edit, maintain
>    -
>       https://jekyllrb.com/tutorials/convert-site-to-jekyll/
>       -
>       https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15347808/display-javadocs-on-github
"everyone can edit"... but everyone already can edit the docs, I assume
you're talking about the https://docs.geoserver.org/
landing page right?

>    -
>    docs.geoserver.org has already been migrated to S3? DNS not changed
>    over yet.
>    -
>       swagger docs don't like being hosted statically, need to
>       investigate and see if there is a workaround.
I am confused about this bit, the swagger UI I know it's pure
HTML/javascript, all one has to do is to point to the YAML/JSON definition
of the API?

>    -
>       https://sourcey.com/spectacle/
The output of this looks better than Swagger imho.



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