Thanks James it was quite a week.

On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 12:58 AM Jim Hughes <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As part of the GeoTools/GeoWebCache/GeoServer code sprint, we addressed
> a number of concerns.  The immediate goal was to do enough so that users
> could run GeoServer on Java 9/10/11.  Jody Garnett has an email thread
> describing the work that the sprint team completed this week to achieve
> that goal.
> JDK 11's module path insists that packages come from only one jar.  Lots
> of GeoTools jars contribute to many of the same packages.  Reducing and
> eliminating these overlaps is one of our major goals for this week.  The
> refactoring was done in manner so that downstream changes in GeoServer
> were made at the same time.
> At the end of sprint, we worked late to finish the last of the planned
> refactoring and merge out work.  There is some outstanding work to be done.
> Outstanding TODOs:
> * Any remaining split packages need to be identified.  (This tool[2]
> could be run against GT and GWC jars.)
> * The changes in the spreadsheet[1] should be documented (and ideally
> set up as a nice sed script!).
> * More testing for extensions and community modules would be great.
> It's been a great week!  From our spreadsheet[1], we planned and
> documented migrating classes to different package names, and in some
> cases, moving packages between modules/jars to achieve this goal.  It is
> our expectation that we'll need to resolve this 'split package' problem
> for GeoTools first.  We do not expect to see J2EE web servers which will
> put software on the module path for a little while...  Given that, we
> expect the first use of the module path to be with the GeoTools library.
> A big thanks goes to Jody!  Not only for organizing the week and hosting
> developers in Victoria, but also for planning the new package
> architecture.  Jody performed some of the initial repackaging in the
> core library.  Towards the end of the week, Andrea Aime joined us to do
> some of the refactoring as well. David Vick, Devon Tucker, Torben
> Barsballe and I pitched in to carry about the rest of the refactoring.
> Kevin Smith handled the repackaging for GeoWebCache.
> I'm proud to be a member of this community and events like this are
> possible due to sponsorship and participation around the world.  Gaia3D,
> Astun Technology, OS Geo UK, and Atol all contributed to the financial
> needs of the event.  Astun, Boundless, CCRi, GeoCat, and GeoSolutions
> all provided staff to do the work.  David Vick wrote up some more
> details about the sprint here[3].
> Cheers,
> Jim
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
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> Geoserver-devel mailing list
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