Hi all,
the QA branch is ready for merge, following feedback from Jody I've added
documentation, along with
more error-prone related fixes and build improvements.
If you want to look at the docs, here:

As you can see, the PMD and Error-Prone tools are run with special
profiles, and won't run by default. The idea is that the
build servers will run them.

Overall the build times on Travis after these changes should go down, as
the QA machinery is run by a parallel build
and the main build got offloaded of format checks and the compiler phase
has been moved inline (it was
running forked in a separate JVM before).
I plan to setup a new QA build on Hudson as well, following the same setup
as Travis. Ah, if you want to check out the
Travis build changes, they are at the top of the changeset in the PR.

The developer build setup does not change, with formatting being done
automatically during the build. Build times got improved
here too, on my machine I'm down to 3:16

The changeset is... large, with 420 files affected, but most changes are
thankfully trivial:

I'm a bit torn in terms of backport, on one side it's very large, on the
other side not backporting will likely make backports of future
fixes/improvements harder.

I've asked in a separate thread if people felt the need of a format
proposal for this, Jody wanted documentation, which has been added.
No problem in writing a proposal btw, I'm just worried that it might drag
things along out of the end of year break making the PR
harder to merge (I'm doing this fully in my spare time, so I'll be limited
to weekends again starting Jan 7th).



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