
Torben Barsballe

Ian Turton

Andrea Aime

Nuno Oliveira

Jukka Rahkonen


   OSGeo budget

      OSGeo code sprint - JAI

      CITE tests

   Release Volunteers for 2.14.2, 2.15-RC

   Miscellaneous jenkins / repo follow-up

   QA work

   Style conversion in GeoServer UI

Actions from Last Meeting


   [Andrea] Ask on list for 2.13.4 release volunteers [DONE]



   AA: ask for 2.15

   Torben: Try rebooting Jenkins to help with file limit

   Torben: Add email notifications to the Java11 jenkins builds [DONE]

OSGeo Budget


   Jody suggestion: OSGeo code sprint to work on JAI. GeoSolutions & Astun
   participation in Minneapolis unlikely.

   CITE tests, most pressing for Andrea and Ian (Andrea wondering about not
   participating to other code sprints until it’s done)

   Deprecated code removal, so that we can add a rule to disallow it and
   stop people from deprecating without removing call points to the newly
   deprecated stuff.

   Removing EMF and replacing with normal javabeans? (and update the XSD
   bindings… btw, fast reflection using invokedynamic here:

   GeoWebCache to have a proper release build on Jenkins? :-)

   GeoWebCache pimp up, add features to give the project some life and make
   more people familiar with the codebase

Release Volunteers for 2.14.2, 2.15-RC

2.14.2: Torben volunteers

2.15-RC: No feedback on M0 so far, push back one week, and then release
2.15 in Feb as planned. Ian to release GT/GS, Andrea to help with GWC
Module Maintainers

Try to generate a list of module maintainers from pom.xml and module
proposals. This will allow us to keep track of status of modules as people
come and go from the projects.
Jenkins / Travis / Repo

Travis: Failing on gt-opengis (?) with 10 minute timeout, gt-opengis starts
working and never installs while other modules keep on running in the other
builder (T2). Andrea has made some changes to the travis.yml, hopefully it
will help, keep an eye on it.

Jenkins: Too many open file - nofile to 2048 helped a little, reboot

Reminder that is going offline for maintenance this
weekend, see list message last week.
QA work

PMD / ErrorProne. Questions, concerns? You can also follow up on list.

And yes, if one introduces a failure, Travis build is going to complain,
and Jenkins notifications are going to be enabled too (by Torben).

Style conversion in GeoServer UI

SLD -> CSS conversion incoming thanks to “Flat”, non cascading mode.

So, idea, unlock the dropdown for style conversion for existing styles when
supported, and notify the user that nothing will be saved. Or use the copy
action? Maybe both.
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