

I tried to read the changes – its beyond me at the moment.


I did build the geotools, geowebcache and geoserver branches locally (on ubuntu 
1904 and openjdk11) and booted the resulting war file on tomcat9. Looks good.


I can only express my gratitude for the lone geowolf effort, and recommend that 
it be merged before its lost in merge conflicts.




From: Andrea Aime <> 
Sent: Sunday, 5 May 2019 3:39 AM
To: Geotools-Devel list <>; Geoserver-devel 
<>; geowebcache-devel 
Subject: [Geoserver-devel] (Cross post) Deprecation cleanup branches ready


Hi all,

sorry for the cross-post, this mail talks about a deprecation cleanup work that 
involves all three projects.


If you have participated to any PSC meeting in the last few months, or read the 
minutes, you probably

know that I've been working on a deprecated API cleanup on all three projects, 
with the following objectives:

*       Remove all deprecated API calls, where possible, or suppress the 
deprecated API call warning, otherwise
*       Remove all API that has been deprecated over the years, with the 
exception if APIs that are not yet deprecated in the stable series
*       Make the build fail if any deprecated API is used (unless explicitly 
suppressed), thus preventing both careless usage of deprecated API, and easy 
going deprecation of existing API without a clear replacement strategy

The work used all the spare time I could dedicate to coding in the last two 
months, here are links to the pull requests with some numbers:

*       GeoTools: (161 commits, 
1063 modified files, 5000 lines of code modified, 13000 removed)
*       GeoWebCache: (32 
commits, 102 modified files, 488 lines modified, 400 removed)
*       GeoServer: (74 
commits, 687 files modified, 2490 lines modified, over 6000 removed)

The GeoTools and GeoWebCache PRs are green, the GeoServer one fails because of 
classes not implementing any longer methods that were

deprecated, it should go green once the other two are merged.

The PRs are breaking, so merging one of them will cause downstream projects 
builds to fail, they are meant to be merged together.


In terms of mechanics, no new tool has been used, the java compiler itself has 
been instructed to fail the compile in case of deprecated

API usage.


In terms of stability of the changes, I did the best I could, but you can see 
from the numbers of the PRs that this

has a been a sizable one man code sprint, so it's unlikely that it won't have 
any kind of side effect

Just like after every other code sprint, I expect some cleanup to follow after 
merge, once we have the code deployed and running on some server

(thankfully GeoSolutions has one server deploying a fresh master nightly build 
3 times a day, we should get some early feedback from it soon).


Now, there are a few things that I'd need out of you (well, some of you!):

*       Trying out the 3 builds in a sequence, to double check everything is 
fine, as Travis cannot provide guarantees for the GeoServer one)
*       Review and improvements to the PRs (all core devs can commit directly 
on my branch, anyone else can do PRs)
*       If you have a project that depends on GeoTools, GeoWebCache or 
GeoServer, try to build it against the branches and provide feedback (in case 
of doubt about a missing API, you can check the stable branch and get the same 
deprecated API direction I used)
*       Feedback, discussion, concerns? Let me know!

Ah... want to know something more about what I've found during the cleanup? 
Lots, with many things worth cursing about, including:

*       Deprecated methods/objects with no comment and no replacement 
*       Deprecations in implementation classes but the interface mandates the 
method without deprecating it
*       Deprecations pointing to replacement that are also deprecated and with 
no replacement
*       Quoting: "@deprecated Replacement to be determined." Seriously?
*       Deprecating API, providing replacement, and leaving hundreds of calling 
points in the codebase, losing the best occasion to check if the deprecation 
and replacement actually make sense (somtimes all you need it to call the 
replacement method and do a inline refactor)
*       Deprecated with replacement indications making no sense to a random 
reader (aka me). Remember to be clear, deprecation is not a reminder to 
yourself but something affecting users which need to move to a non deprecated 
*       Deprecating object/method because normally it should not be used, but 
there are some legit cases to do so... just add a comment for it instead of 
*       Deprecating a method because maybe in the future you will remove it 
(there were such deprecations 10+ years old, face it, you're not clairvoyant)

Once the branches are in, the built-in compile check for deprecations should 
make people think about the above, clean up after themselves, and stop at least 
some form of code base littering.





== GeoServer Professional Services from Andrea Aimethe experts! Visit  
<> for more information.

== Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di 
Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 
1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
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