Dear All,
I would like to submit the following GSIP :

*Some Background and Context:*

Geotools and Geoserver make a lot of HTTP calls, internally and externally
for different purposes which include

   - Downloading Schemas
   - Requesting Online Images and Resources
   - Loading remote SLDs
   - Working with remote OGC servers
   - Other Misc calls that involve access resources outside the Data

In some production environments this can be seen as a potential security
loop hole where developers/users have no way of controlling what is being
accessed. Hence a new Interface is proposed to implement URL validation
before making the HTTP call.

Geoserver will receive its de-facto implementation of this interface in
which URLs will be validated through Regex expressions configured through
Web Admin interface. By default Geoserver will have a number of known URLs
allowed (e.g OGC Schema URls etc)

Complete details are included on the proposal. Looking forward to
everyone`s feedback

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