Actually the GeoJSONWriter looks like it would work perfectly. Our workflow is: start writing the export (i.e. write the type 'FeatureCollection' and start the 'features' array); write 0-n features as they come back from various asynchronous queries; finish writing the export (i.e. write the closing array bracket and close the FeatureCollection element). The old gt-geojson module didn't support this pattern.



On 3/18/20 9:10 AM, Ian Turton wrote:
I'm not quite sure what the use case for that would be, but if you would like to propose modifications to GeoJSONWriter in gt-geojsondatastore I'm happy to consider them.


On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 13:06, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz < <>> wrote:

    If that module is unsupported, are there any supported methods for
    writing a feature as geojson? For our use case, we need to write
    each feature individually, and not as a feature collection.



    On 3/18/20 4:00 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
    On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 12:03 AM Jody Garnett
    < <>> wrote:

        Since this is an unsupported module should we just break the
        existing API contract in order to be clear about expectations?

    Jody, since this is a unsupported module a quick band aid should
    do no?
    Also consider the module is in bad shape, and Ian has expressed a
    desire to level it down to the ground
    and replace it with a jackson based machery coming from the
    geojsonstore module.

    Since it seems like a goner anyways, clean API should likely be
    the last of our concerns?


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