Hi Jody and all,
I did a little bit more of investigation, and I replaced arrayOverlap with
a more generic FilterFunction_multipleEqualTo (better names are welcome)
that is like FilterFunction_equalTo with an additional parameter to specify
the MatchAction (ANY, ONE or ALL).
Still open the reasoning on how to express array literals in ECQL. For my
own use case I can move the arrayFromString function in my project code,
but I think a more general solution to this problem could be useful to have
in GeoTools.

Il giorno ven 24 apr 2020 alle ore 09:01 Mauro Bartolomeoli <
mauro.bartolome...@geo-solutions.it> ha scritto:

> Hi Jody,
> Il giorno gio 23 apr 2020 alle ore 19:44 Jody Garnett <
> jody.garn...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Filter is not typed, seeing types in the function name read more like
>> java and less like CQL.
>> *split( string, delimiter )*
>> For the same reason I do not want to see parameters like
>> 'java.lang.Integer' used when Filter environment is untyped. If you do need
>> an int[] from an expression, make sure Converters handles it appropriately
>> so the work is done once. It is bad enough we have functions like int2bbool
>> and int2double as there should not be a need for it.
> I understand your concern, and I try to express my underlying need, so
> that we can identify the best solution, What I miss in (E)CQL right now is
> a way to express array literals. The proposal above was indeed about being
> able to create an array of numbers. Do you have any alternative idea on how
> we can do that?
>> I am not sure what to make of array overlaps function:
>> - I see the name conflict with overlaps(geom,geom) function
>> - We already have equals with matchAction Any to handle this
>> functionality, is there any reason why you need it to be a function and not
>> a filter?
>> - There are examples where filters have been repurposed as functions
>> already, for example the equalTo(a,b): Boolean function. I would follow
>> that example.
>> equalTo( value, value, matchPolicy ) - where matchPolicy is "All", "Any"
>> or "One"
> After reading this, I had a look at the postgis driver code to handle
> array comparisons, and maybe I can make it work using equalTo. Going to try
> and let you know.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> --
> Regards,
> Mauro Bartolomeoli
> ==
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Mauro Bartolomeoli

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit http://goo.gl/it488V
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Dott. Mauro Bartolomeoli
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)

mobile: +39 393 904 1756
phone: +39 0584 962313
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