Thanks for carefully digging into this, it does sound like a bug in the
streaming rendering code. The use of full xpath expressions is a bit
uncommon, so you will find and fix glitches like this as you are one of the
few groups to make use of the functionality.
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 07:48, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We at GeoMesa recently ran into an issue with SLD and property
> accessors; I'm hoping for some feedback on whether this is a bug in
> geotools or something wrong in our implementation.
> We've supported JSON extensions for string-type fields for a while now.
> We allow querying into the fields using a custom PropertyAccessor[1],
> that will evaluate expressions in JSON-path format (e.g. "$").
> Given a schema with a string field named "foo", this allows one to write
> a filter like `"$" = 10`, and the property accessor will parse
> into the string-type attribute and return the appropriate leaf node.
> We ran into an issue recently where WMS requests through GeoServer that
> use SLDs with our JSON-path syntax do not request the appropriate field,
> so the transform fails. We traced this down to the StreamingRenderer,
> which extracts the PropertyName fields, but doesn't add the attribute
> name fields[2]. In our case, PropertyName is a JSON-path expression,
> while attribute names contains the actual attribute that needs to be
> returned.
> I made a change to add the attribute names to the extracted
> properties[3], and that fixes the issue. Since this touches the
> streaming renderer, I wanted to make sure that the solution makes sense
> and that we aren't doing something wrong with our custom property
> accessor. If so, I'm happy to put up a PR with my solution.
> Thanks,
> Emilio
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
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