GeoTools/GeoWebCache/GeoServer PMC meeting - 2021-04-27Attending

Torben Barsballe

Kevin Smith

Jukka Rahkonnen

Jody Garnett

Andrea Aime
Actions from last meeting:


   [DONE] AA: ask on the list about a 2.18.3 release manager




   GWC release script

   Automatically close stale PRs?

   Build server issue



   action: Kevin is going to fix gwc release.rb using xpath or something

   action: Kevin will look at GWC website upload

   action: Assign a new port for LDAP testing (since we made a new release)



GeoServer homepage replacement, dedicated home page for workspaces, driven
by freemarker but allow programmatic contribution. Remove version and
commit numbers from pages accessible by anonymous users.


How do we discover workspaces? Right now they are not discoverable. Should
they be? We should allow hiding them though, like with a security rule.
Right now worksapce is adminable, but is it accessible? What about
interaction with security subsystem?

How do security rules interact with the new page features, freemarker
template configuration and with listing services and workspaces?
GWC release script and docs

Thanks to Ian for making the GT/GS release

Release script changes:


   Change to pom “broke” release script, which was looking for a specific

   Jody did a hack (ruby sub( search, replace ) vs sub! search, replace ←
   why why why

   Action: Kevin is going to go fix it now using xpath or something

gwc website update?


   cction: Kevin will look at this?

   aside: documentation is done by copy, so old pages are not removed…

      Can we delete everything before copy? Not so easy with S3 …

      Going to github pages, limits
      run into 1GB limit, soft limit of 100GB bandwidth a month, soft limit
      of 10 builds an hour …

         Q: Can we stay under 1GB?

            Yes if we do stable, maintenance, latest …

            It was around 500 MB last time we checked :)

         html docs zip is 92 MB

> /tmp/geoserver-2.18.3 $ du -csh *

2,5M api

5,8M developer


4,0K README.txt

112M user

4,0K VERSION.txt

120M totale

Automatically close stale PRs?

Danger zone, what will Andrea break next :)

Can a bot do that? Yup…


   Can we exclude a PR from bot clean up (say with a tag?)

Potential config:

# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale

daysUntilStale: 90

# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed

daysUntilClose: 14

# Issues with these labels will never be considered stale


  - pinned

# Label to use when marking an issue as stale

staleLabel: wontfix

# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable

markComment: >

  This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had

  recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank

  for your contributions.

# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable

closeComment: >

  This issue has been automatically closed because it has not had

  recent activity. Please re-submit with updates if you want to resume work
on this topic. Thank you for your contributions.

Build server issues

Should we set up different maven repositories to avoid conflicting updates
of shared files, like


See the *-java11 tests on jeknins for an example of how this could be

Port conflicts between concurrent tests:
- H2 tests for example make use of a local test, there is a variable to
disable these tests

LDAP test port issue?
- action: we forgot to assign a new port when we made the most recent
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