
I am not quite sure how to answer your email. We of course welcome
volunteers; and you are welcome to drop in to one of our project meetings
(an invite/reminder is sent out every two weeks).

I liked your use of GeoTools to refine your tools - the amazing quality
control checks that are in place for the GeoTools build that could do a
good job of catching your tool out on regressions or warnings.

How close does your tool get on the JUnit 4 to 5 migration? I am interested
in what kind of patterns we use that mess up your tool.

You indicate your tool can do smaller staks, without knowing what those are
I cannot express interest.

Jody Garnett

On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 at 17:07, patrick way <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a geo-spatial enthusiast and member of the OpenRewrite team. Between
> 2002 and 2010, I leveraged GeoTools for a geo-spatially enabled restricted
> materials permitting program in California.  At the time, I was too busy
> and not able to contribute.  Now that I have an opportunity, I would like
> to give a little back to the GeoTools project.
> OpenRewrite provides an open-source framework built on a style preserving
> abstract syntax tree allowing developers to automate refactoring tasks.
> The project offers an ecosystem of refactoring recipes for various tasks,
> ranging from simple code style changes to security vulnerabilities and even
> complete framework migrations such as JUnit 4 to 5.
> We have been using GeoTools as a sample project for testing and developing
> the framework and recipes.  One of my personal goals was to achieve a
> complete GeoTools JUnit 4 to 5 migration; however, it was just a bit too
> complex for an entirely automated migration.  I've got it pretty close, but
> it still needs a bit of manual effort.
> While the JUnit migration is large and complex, there are quite a few
> smaller tasks that might also benefit the project.
> Please let me know if you're interested. I would be more than happy to
> help.
> Regards,
> Patrick Way
> A few links for more info:
> Forked GeoTools branch with sample rewrite-configuration
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