I'm actually not sure we ever use the type name... just the descriptor name.
I have faint memories about this, but I think the parallel was:
- descriptor is like an XML element name
- type is like the XML type backing the element

They can have legitimately two different names, no? In theory the same type
could be shared across multiple descriptors
Don't think it happens with simple features, not sure if that's something
used by app-schema, it might if it's driven by an actual XML schema though?.


On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 5:49 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please go ahead with the fix, now that GeoServer has the ability to
> redefine schema attributes (and I hope to add the ability to edit title /
> abstract) this information will be more widely used and relied on.
> Jody
> On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 11:32 PM Roar Brænden <roar.brenden...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was reading some shapefiles when it came to my attention that something
>> was strange with the schema's reported:
>>  TS14_max identified extends
>> polygonFeature(the_geom:MultiPolygon,ID1:ID1,AV_Time:AV_Time,Shape_Leng:Shape_Leng,Shape_Area:Shape_Area)
>>  TS21_min identified extends
>> polygonFeature(the_geom:MultiPolygon,ID1:ID1,AV_Time:AV_Time,Shape_Leng:Shape_Leng,Shape_Area:Shape_Area)
>>  TS16_mc identified extends
>> polygonFeature(the_geom:MultiPolygon,ID1:ID1,AV_Time:AV_Time,Shape_Leng:Shape_Leng,Shape_Area:Shape_Area)
>> The problem is why does it repeat the name of the fields. After some
>> digging in the code, I realized that the problem is within:
>> org.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeBuilder.buildDescriptor(String name)
>>     public AttributeDescriptor buildDescriptor(String name) {
>>         setName(name);                   <---- name isn't the type's
>> name. It's the attributes name
>>         if (binding == null)
>>             throw new IllegalStateException("No binding has been provided
>> for this attribute");
>>         if (crs != null || Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) {
>>             return buildDescriptor(name, buildGeometryType());
>>         } else {
>>             return buildDescriptor(name, buildType());
>>         }
>>     }
>> According to Github that code hasn't been changed for years, so GeoTools
>> users must have become familiar with this "problem". Because it might not
>> be a real problem. I do believe most people are using getBinding() rather
>> than looking at what is returned by getName() when looking at an
>> AttributeType.
>> I'm quite sure removing that setName(name) line will fix the problem, but
>> doing so will possibly end up in a lot of unit test failures like this one:
>> [ERROR]   ImageMosaicReaderTest.granuleSourceTest:1437
>> expected:<...ltiPolygon,location:[location,time:time,endtime:endtime,date:date,lowz:lowz,highz:highz,loww:loww,highw:highw])>
>> but
>> was:<...ltiPolygon,location:[String,time:Date,endtime:Date,date:String,lowz:Integer,highz:Integer,loww:Integer,highw:Integer])>
>> Should I go forward fixing this, or are people so used to this that they
>> don't bother?
>> Best regards,
>> Roar Brænden
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> --
> --
> Jody Garnett
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