The additional overhead for backports is a good point Andrea and one I had
not thought of; one we could mitigate slightly with planning.

aside: I should note that the funds raised thus far are not exclusively for
GeoTools; some availability or code sprint will be required for downstream
projects to make the change.I expect many will not be in position to notice
until after a stable release is made.

So we should plan for API migration this release cycle Q3/Q4; and then to
host a code sprint or office hours or something for downstream projects to
migrate in Q4.
- April 21-23: Apache / OGC / OGC Code sprint - good opportunity but too
- July 1-2: FOSS4G - very small sprint maybe suitable for proof-of-concept
and planning what to do on package by package basis
- August 21 - September 1: Bolsean - this is a good candidate but *very*
close to our RC deadline

I expect supporting other projects will need to be an online sprint;
suggest: "last friday of the month" drop in office hours.
Jody Garnett

On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 2:00 AM Andrea Aime <> wrote:

> Hi Jody,
> agreed, we cannot afford having two large APIs shifts in sequence, each
> one will have ramification
> both in terms of downstreams projects affected, and in terms of time, as
> it will make backports harder
> to deal with.
> As a big API break it will be limited to the main branch, while stable and
> maintenance will remain on
> the previous one, meaning all backports will need some amount of rewriting
> (if we do it right, mostly imports).
> We'll also need some time for the waters to settle before we can cut a
> release, it's not something we
> can do, say, in August, to release right afterwards in September.
> So I'd expect the change to cause friction in the project for 6-12 months
> after it landed, increasing
> all contribution costs.
> The plan proposed looks good, and also the bare minimum for acceptance.
> +1
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 8:23 PM Jody Garnett <>
> wrote:
>> This was discussed <> 
>> earlier
>> as part of OSGeo budget allocation
>> <>.
>> Before proceeding with fundraising and setting up an osgeo initiative I
>> want to confirm with the GeoTools PMC that this is a good idea and we are
>> okay with doing the work if funding / planning / enthusiasm are in place to
>> complete the activity.
>> The proposal is here, and the approach has been discussed in prior
>> meetings:
>> -
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
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