

   Torben Barsballe

   Jukka Rahkonnen

   Jody Garnett

Actions from prior meetings:


   [TODO] Jukka: blog post about Java/library upgrades/migrations

   [TODO] Janne Korhonen: Send an email to the list about new OGCFeat
   datastore and getting that added as a community module



   code-sprint update

   2024 budget

   JakarataEE planning

   Switch to OSGeo Jitsi

   release planning



   Write up funding + sponsorship for geoserver 2024

   Send Jitsi proposal to mailing list

Code-sprint Update


   noisy, icebreaker starting 🙂

   general osgeo sprint

      Jukka working on open tickets and closing a lot

      Lots of QGIS focus, just Jukka from GS/GT community

   Q: Any CRA discssion? Maybe tomorrow.

2024 budget

GeoTools example:

We need one for GeoServer (and GWC) also.

This is not just the OSGeo budget request, it is also what we want to plan
and fund in 2024.


   sponsor call out intended for the start of 2024 (take annual sponsor
   budget into account)

JakartaEE Planning

This is a key fund raising goal for 2024:


   October 2024 deadline Java 17 transition

   December 2024 deadline: Jakarta EE transition

See slides 53-55 for pictures:



   [TODO] Jukka: blog post about Java/library upgrades/migrations

   [TODO] write up funding + sponsorship for geoserver 2024

Switch to OSGeo Jitsi

We need to update our link for meeting invite?

Checking - nope it is not listed.

What would the new URL be?

Host needs to login with OSGeo User ID, yes it works!
Release Planning

Thanks to Peter Smythe for releasing GeoServer 2.23.3.

Jody is on-dec for November 20th release of GeoServer 2.24.1


   Jody needs to get a security improvement in for open-id-connect
GeoTools-Devel mailing list

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