Op 21-09-2023 om 16:03 schreef RIOU Yvan PP-DILT SDT:
/        StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();//
//        String inputLine;//
//        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {//
//            response.append(inputLine);//
//        }//
//        in.close(); //
//        System.out.println(response);//
//        StyledLayerDescriptor gareSldDesc = Ysld.parse(response);/

You need to pass something that implements the Readable interface to the parse method. eg. new StringReader(response.toString())

see https://github.com/geotools/geotools/blob/9adf1357cb29a81b44c8cef9cb3fc3197385da92/modules/extension/ysld/src/main/java/org/geotools/ysld/Ysld.java#L54-L81

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