I'm grateful to those who provided suggestions for statements by activists 
that reflect the more-than-political struggles we all go through.  Most of 
the statements are exceptional.  Below and attached is a list of 

Abbey, Edward "The Monkey Wrench Gang" 
Best, Steven & Nocella, Anthony (eds)-"Igniting a Revolution: Voices in 
Defense of the Earth" -- a collection of essays from various deep 
ecologists and self-labeled eco-terrorists as to why they do what they do.
Carson, Rachel & Lear, Linda (Introduction)-"Lost Woods: The Discovered 
Writings of Rachel Carson"
Cone, Marla Silent Snow 
Francis, John. 2008. Planetwalker. Washington, DC: National Geographic 
Hill, Julia Butterfly- memoir The Legacy of Luna (2000)
Hayes, Tyrone- 2007 lecture from the department of Integrative Biology at 
UC Berkeley entitled 'from Silent Spring to Silent Night'  
Jones, Van   Shirley Sherrod and Me  
Kelly, Petra E. Thinking Green! Essays on Environmentalism, Feminism, and 
Nonviolence. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1994.
Kingsnorth, Paul- Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist 
Maathai, Wangari- interview: 
Manes, Christopher- "Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking 
of Civilization" -- an interesting look into some of the philosophical 
underpinnings of the ELF types, the arguments that persuaded them.
Parkin, Sara. The Life and Death of Petra Kelly. London: Pandora, 1994.
Rosebraugh, Craig-"Burning Rage of a Dying Planet: Speaking for the Earth 
Liberation Front"  (member of the ELF, though he claimed he wasn't) -- 
more first-hand experience, as the FBI raided his house several times. 
Rothenberg, D. & Ulvaeus, M- eds., The New Earth Reader (1999)
Sanders, Scott Russell- A Conservationist Manifesto
Shiva, Vandana ? interview:  
Singer, Peter- How Are We to Live? (1995)
Steingraber, Sandra- Living Downstream (1997)
Taylor, Bron   Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary 
Future , 
Civil Earth Religion versus Religious Nationalism, the Social Science 
Research Council's Immanent Frame, 30 July 2010. 
Toward a Natural Religion, St. Petersburg Times, 3 December 2009, 
War of the Worldviews: Why Avatar Lost, Religion Dispatches, 11 March 
Walker, Melissa, ed. 1994. Reading the environment. New York: W. W. 
Williams, Terry Tempest, Refuge
Zakin,Susan- "Coyotes and Town Dogs" 

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