I am serving as the Guest Editor of a special symposium issue of the Journal
of Environmental Studies and Sciences,
http://www.springer.com/environment/journal/13412 that will focus on
Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. The Journal, published by
Springer, is a publication of the Association of Environmental Studies and
Sciences (AESS).


If you're interested in contributing to this issue, please send me a 75-100
word abstract at your earliest convenience; it is my hope to commission
pieces within the next three weeks.


Here are the key guidelines for the issue:


1.      3000-4000 words (though there is flexibility in this context,
especially on the upper end);
2.      Deadline for submission of first draft: April 1, 2011;
3.      Anticipated publication date: December 15, 2011



I would also appreciate suggestions of other prospective authors; while this
is a really important issue, the literature to date is rather sparse,
especially on the law and policy side!


Thanks, wil burns


Dr. Wil Burns, Editor in Chief

Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy

2875 Shasta Road

Berkeley, CA 94708 USA

Ph:   650.281.9126

Fax: 510.473.3731


Journal home page:  <http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/13880292.asp>

SSRN site (selected publications):  <http://ssrn.com/author=240348>

Skype ID: Wil.Burns


Teaching Climate Law & Policy Blog:  <http://www.teachingclimatelaw.org/>



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