Thanks to the many respondents who produced the marvelous list of 
recommendations below.

- Paul


Birch, E.L. And S.M. Wacher (2008) Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability 
in the Twenty-First Century.

Slavin, M. (2011). Sustainability in America's Cities: Creating the Green 
Metropolis. Island Press.

Routledge's Sustainable Urban Development Reader

Duerksen, C. and C. Snyder. 2005. Nature-friendly communities: Habitat 
protection and land-use planning. Island Press: Washington, DC. 

Beatley, T. 2011. Biophilic cities: Integrating nature into urban design and 
planning. Island Press: Washington, DC.

Matthew Hoffman, Climate Governance at the Crossroads

Kent Portney (2003) Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously

Mega, Voula P. 2010. Sustainable cities for the third millennium: the odyssey 
of urban excellence. Brussels: Springer. 

Wong, Tai-Chee and Yuen, Belinda (Eds.) 2011. Eco-city planning. Policies, 
practice, and design. Springer

Worldwatch Institute. 2007. 2007 State of the World. Our Urban Future. A 
Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society. New York, 
London: W.W. Norton & Company.

Jeremy Rifkin's latest book The Third Industrial Revolution mentions a few-- 
San Antonio, TX, Rome, Monaco.

Laura Lawson, 2005 "City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in 

Richard Walker, 2008 "Country in the City: The Greening of the San Franciso Bay 


Paul F. Steinberg
Associate Professor of Political Science &
Environmental Policy

Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, & the Arts
301 East Platt Boulevard
Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA 91711
tel. 909-607-3840

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