Dear colleagues,

I am writing to announce the release of a report from the Yale Center for 
Environmental Law & Policy.  This report, "Climate Change and the International 
Court of Justice: Seeking an Advisory Opinion on Transboundary Harm from the 
Court,"<> focuses on 
the international campaign, initiated by the Republic of Palau, to secure an 
advisory legal opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on climate 
change. Palau, with a growing coalition of nations, requests that the United 
Nations General Assembly seek an ICJ opinion on the question of state 
responsibility for transboundary harm caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The 
urgency of climate change, coupled with widespread frustration at the lack of 
binding international commitments secured through the United Nations Framework 
Convention on Climate Change process, inspired the multistate coalition.

The Report is the product of a course taught with Ambassador Stuart Beck of the 
Permanent Mission of Palau to the United Nations and Aaron Korman, Palau’s 
Legal Adviser. Eighteen graduate students enrolled at Yale Law School, the Yale 
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and Yale University contributed 
to the final Report, which was compiled and edited by Halley Epstein, Yale Law 
School ’14. The Report aims to outline the legal, political, and scientific 
justifications for the coalition’s request and why the ICJ should issue an 
opinion on the matter.

Part I, The Brief, presents the advocacy components of a request for an 
advisory opinion from the ICJ. If and when the General Assembly votes to submit 
a request for an advisory opinion to the ICJ, all interested nations will have 
the opportunity to share their positions on the matter. The Brief aims to 
identify the most compelling arguments about state responsibility for 
transboundary climate harms, so that members of the campaign coalition can 
create a united front of representation before the ICJ. Drawing from 
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports and other sources, the Brief 
outlines the scientific evidence of climate change and its transboundary 
effects, with attention to the effects of a warming world on some of the most 
vulnerable nations—Palau included. After explaining how to frame the legal 
question presented to the ICJ, the Brief evaluates the proposed question in the 
context of prior ICJ advisory opinion requests and responses. Finally, the most 
authoritative sources of law are analyzed for their value as advocacy tools in 
this process.

Part II, Background, offers an array of contextual and supporting materials. It 
introduces the Justices serving on the ICJ and provides insight into their 
international law experience, prior judicial decisions, and scholarship that 
might inform their approach to the climate change responsibility question. 
Next, the Report traces the principle of transboundary harm generally, in U.S. 
and European courts and across international agreements and conventions. Its 
analysis suggests that legal authorities support the application of the 
well-established principle of transboundary harm to the climate change context. 
The final Background section focuses on policy arguments likely to be 
persuasive to one of the campaign’s most vocal opponents, the United States, as 
a way of illustrating why all nations would stand to benefit from application 
of the rule of law to the climate change context.

The full report is available for download at

Doug Kysar

Douglas A. Kysar
Joseph M. Field '55 Professor of Law
Yale Law School
127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511

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