Hi gep-eders,

Apologies if this has already come across, but this article collection might be 
of interest. 

All best,

Charlie Chester
New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net <mailto:ches...@gep-guide.net>
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> Begin forwarded message:
> From: scientistswarning <scientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu>
> Subject: [Scientists-warning] Eleven new scientists' warning articles 
> published and many in the works
> Date: July 15, 2020 at 7:15:01 PM EDT
> To: "scientists-warn...@lists.oregonstate.edu" 
> <scientists-warn...@lists.oregonstate.edu>
> Resent-From: <charles.ches...@tufts.edu>
> Reply-To: "cof_nore...@cof.orst.edu" <cof_nore...@cof.orst.edu>
> Dear Alliance of World Scientists Member, We are growing in numbers and 
> currently have 25,781 scientists listed with the Alliance of World 
> Scientists. As part of the Scientists’ Warning Publication Series, we have 
> eleven new narrow-focused scientists’ warning articles published or in press 
> (see list below) in addition to the nine previously published narrow-focused 
> scientists’ warning articles. Thanks and stay safe during Covid-19, Bill
> William J. Ripple, Distinguished Professor of Ecology, Oregon State University
> Email:  scientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu 
> <mailto:scientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu>
>  Scientists’ Warning Mailbag (recent correspondence from other groups that 
> may be of interest):
> Click here <https://www.riskthinking.ai/be-part-of-a-scenario> if you are a 
> scientist interested in completing a short poll on climate change.
> Click here <https://www.scientistswarning.org/welcome-to-AWS-members/> if you 
> want to learn about scientistswarning.org 
> <https://www.scientistswarning.org/>, which is a grassroots citizens group 
> that is promoting the scientist warnings.
>  Narrow-focused scientists’ warning articles that are published, planned, or 
> in review/prep as of July 2020. (the 20 published/in-press manuscripts are 
> hyperlinked and are at the top of the list). Feel free to propose more 
> articles to me and I will put you on the list. Please forgive me if I have 
> made a mistake on your article.
>  Eleven newly published articles:
> Title                                                                         
>                  Lead Author
> Scientists’ warning to humanity on the freshwater biodiversity crisis 
> <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13280-020-01318-8>              
>             James S. Albert
> Scientists' warning to humanity on insect extinctions 
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320719317823>         
>                                  Pedro Cardoso
> The second warning to humanity—Why ethology matters? 
> <https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/eth.12965>                  
>                          Wolfgang Goymann
> Scientists call for renewed Paris pledges to transform agriculture 
> <https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(19)30245-1/fulltext>
>                              Helen Harwatt
> Scientists' warning on endangered food webs 
> <https://we.copernicus.org/articles/20/1/2020/>                               
>                      Ruben H. Heleno
> Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes 
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0380133020300988>         
>          Jean-Philippe Jenny
> Scientists' warning on invasive alien species 
> <https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/brv.12627>                  
>                                 Petr Pyšek
> World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 
> <https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/70/1/8/5610806>                  
>                              William J. Ripple
> Solutions for humanity on how to conserve insects 
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320719317793>         
>                                      Michael J. Samways
> Why Do Society and Academia Ignore the ‘Scientists Warning to Humanity’ on 
> population? 
> <https://jfsdigital.org/why-do-society-and-academia-ignore-the-scientists-warning-to-humanity-on-population/>
>          Haydn Washington
> Scientists’ warning on affluence 
> <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16941-y>                          
>                                      Thomas Wiedmann
> Nine previously published articles:
> Title                                                                         
>                  Lead Author
> Scientistsʼ Warning on Climate Change and Medicinal Plants 
> <https://www.thieme-connect.de/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/a-1041-3406>   
>                                   Wendy L. Applequist
> Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change 
> <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-019-0222-5>                           
>   Ricardo Cavicchioli
> Scientists’ warning on wildfire — a Canadian perspective 
> <https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/full/10.1139/cjfr-2019-0094>            
>                            Sean C.P. Coogan
> The Second Warning to Humanity – Providing a Context for Wetland Management 
> and Policy <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13157-018-1064-z>      
>    C. M. Finlayson
> Scientists must act on our own warnings to humanity 
> <https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-019-0979-y>                           
>                  Charlie Gardner
> The second warning to humanity—Why ethology matters? 
> <https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/eth.12965>                  
>                          Wolfgang Goymann
> Scientists’ warning to humanity: strategic thinking on economic development, 
> population, <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs41207-019-0139-4>   
>     Helen Kopnina
> poverty and ecological sustainability in the Mediterranean and beyond 
> <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs41207-019-0139-4>
> The Scientist: Creator and Destroyer—“Scientists’ Warning to Humanity” Is a 
> Wake-Up Call <https://www.mdpi.com/2078-1547/10/2/33>       Marek Cuhra
> for Researchers <https://www.mdpi.com/2078-1547/10/2/33>
> Scientists' Warning on the Conservation of Subterranean Ecosystems 
> <https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article-abstract/69/8/641/5519083>       
>                       Stefano Mammola
> Thirty seven articles in-prep or review:
> Title                                                                         
>                  Lead Author
> Scientists’ Warning on Semiarid Savannas                                      
>                  Ana Andreu
> Scientists’ Warning on Medicinal Plants                                       
>                  Wendy Applequist
> Scientists’ warning on landscape homogenization                               
>                  Victor Arroyo-Rodriguez
> Scientists’ Warning on chemical pollution                                     
>                  Thomas Backhaus
> Emergency Climate Warming above 1.5C                                          
>                  Peter Carter
> Scientists’ Warning on Coral Reefs                                            
>                  Carla Elliff
> Scientists’ warning on the arthropod-borne pathogens                          
>                  Agustín Estrada-Peña
> Scientists’ Warning on Beaches and Coastal Wetlands                           
>                  Chip Fletcher
> Scientists' Warning for Gynecologists                                         
>                  Jan Greguš, MD
> Scientists' Warning on Pesticide Impact                                       
>                  Gwenaël Imfeld
> Scientists’ Warning on our Deep Ocean                                         
>                  Rachel Jeffreys
> Scientists’ Warning on Marine Conservation                                    
>                  David Johns
> Scientists’ warning on endocrine-disrupting chemicals                         
>                  Martin L. Kaonga
> Scientists' Warning on climate change and infectious diseases                 
>                  Kyrre Kausrud
> Scientists’ Warning on Pollination Conservation                               
>                  Peter Kevan
> Scientists’ Warning for Health Systems                                        
>                  Jade Khalife
> Scientists’ Warning on Congo Fish Conservation                                
>                  Tchalondawa Kisekelwa
> Scientists’ Warning on Limbless Subterranean Amphibians                       
>                  Ramachandran Kotharambath
> Scientists’ Warning on Old Arctic Sea Ice                                     
>                  Benjamin Lange
> Warning on ElectroMagnetic Waves                                              
>                  Gauthier LASOU
> Scientists’ Warning on Indigenous Knowledge                                   
>                  Dana Lepofsky
> Scientists’ warning and forest disturbances                                   
>                  Alex Leverkus
> Scientist’s Warning on Human Population Growth                                
>                  William Lidicker
> Scientists’ Warning on climate change in cities                               
>                  Brenda Lin
> Scientists' Warning from Conservation Physiologists                           
>                  Christine Madliger
> Scientists’ Warning on Ethical Security                                       
>                  Jean S. Renouf
> Scientists’ Warning on Refugees and the Environmental Crisis                  
>                  Mukul Sharif
> Scientists’ Warning on Rocky Outcrop Vegetation                               
>                  Fernando Silveira
> Scientists' Warning on Bird Conservation                                      
>                  Jeff Snyder
> Scientists’ Warning on Food Gardens                                           
>                  Daniela Soleri
> Scientists’ Warning on Soundscapes                                            
>                  Jérôme Sueur
> Scientists’ Warning on the connection with nature.                            
>                  Jerónimo Torres-Porras
> Scientists’ Warning on Inland Water Conservation                              
>                  Lars Tranvik
> Scientists’ Warning on Sea Ice                                                
>                  Peter Wadhams
> Scientists’ Warning on Deserts                                                
>                  Glenda Wardle
> Scientists’ Warning of More Pandemics*                                        
>                  William Ripple
> *If you have expertise in zoonotic diseases, please write Bill Ripple 
> atscientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu 
> <mailto:scientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu> if you wish to be a reviewer for 
> this commentary.
> _______________________________________________
> To unsubscribe, send a message to:
> scientists-warning-requ...@lists.oregonstate.edu 
> <mailto:scientists-warning-requ...@lists.oregonstate.edu>
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