Dear gep-ed'ers,

A quick request, if you don't mind.

I'm on the hunt for a tight reading, accessible to first-semester, first-year 
college undergraduates, that wrestles with "capitalism and the climate crisis." 
 I've found lots of material that argues for the power of innovation, fueled by 
the quest for profits in environments where prices tell the truth (more or 
less).  Certain varieties of capitalism/markets = good, in other words.  And 
I've laid my hands on some scathing critiques of capitalism that argue for 
forms of eco-socialism to save the planet.  Capitalism in all forms is the 
problem, in other words.  Most of these, however, are too polemical for my 
purposes.  I'm looking for something that unpacks both arguments (and others) 
and, in the process, comes to its own conclusions.

Too much to ask for in tight, accessible form?  Maybe.  But if anything 
immediately comes to mind, shoot me a note.  Per our gep-ed practices,  send 
ideas only to me, and I'll share what I gather in a summary email.

A final note on context:  I'd be using the essay for discussion in a small 
seminars after a week of exploring "the market" as an overarching social 
institution.  The entire freshman class is enrolled, and they'd be parsing the 
essay in groups of 15 - 18, led by an instructor in the social sciences.

Many thanks, and best wishes to you all during these difficult times.




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