*Call for Proposals: Special Issue and Symposia*

*Deadline: 30 June 2021*

Dear Colleagues,

The editorial team at Environmental Politics
<https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fenp20/current> invites proposals for a
full Special Issue (SI) or a shorter Symposium on a well-focused topic of
particular interest to the journal’s readership. Although proposals were
accepted on a rolling basis in the past, we are transitioning to an
open call for proposals twice per year.

Evaluation of proposals will be done by a committee of the Editorial
Advisory Board. The June 2021 committee will be myself (chair), David
Schlosberg, Hayley Stevenson and Matthew Paterson.

Proposals must provide the following information:

· SI or Symposium Title;

· The name, affiliation, contact details, and a short bio for proposed
Guest Editor or Editors (one paragraph each);

· A Table of Contents;

· A description of, and rationale for, the proposed SI or Symposium (500 -
1000 words). This should address its importance, contribution to
scholarship in the field, and main methodological approaches. A clear
analytical thread and sustained dialogue between papers is integral. To
that end, it is valuable to describe any workshops or collaborations that
have contributed to the proposal. Interdisciplinary dialogue and approaches
are also encouraged.

· Explanation of diversity of proposed contributions. How would the SI or
Symposium promote diversity, equity, and inclusion? In what ways would it
also address a diversity of approaches to understanding the environment or
environmental politics?

Full guidelines, including submission instructions, are available here

I hope you will consider submitting a proposal.


Sikina Jinnah
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
Affiliated Graduate Faculty of Politics
Co-Editor, *Environmental Politics*
University of California, Santa Cruz
Homepage <http://www.sikinajinnah.com/>

*New Publications:*
2021. Splitting Climate Engineering Governance
*Global Policy*
2021. Trajectories in Environmental Politics
2020. *Greening through Trade
<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/greening-through-trade>* MIT Press.
2020. *Global Environmental Politics
Oxford University Press

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