Dear GEP-ed:

We are into the last week before ISA 2023, when much of the action happens. 
Please get those panels and paper abstracts ready to be submitted in time for 
the June 1 deadline.

As you prepare your proposals, please consider the most attractive 
co-sponsoring options for your panel, including the conference theme 
sponsorship. I will reach out to your second choice section for seeking 
co-sponsorship etc.

The ESS Google Doc has five open CFPs, along with panel descriptions  - please 
feel free to add your own or reach out to the proposers. Pam Chasek had emailed 
a CFP before I put up the Google Doc, so please feel free to reach out to her 
as well:

Please also feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance in this 
planning process - you'll of course hear more from me once we start preparing 
the program slate.

My best wishes,

Prakash Kashwan, Ph.D. (Google 
Scholar<>) (Public 
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Connecticut
Co-Director, Research Program on Economic and Social Rights, Human Rights 

Editor, Environmental Politics
Vice Chair/Program Chair, Environmental Studies Section, International Studies 
Association (ISA)

University of Connecticut
365 Fairfield Way, Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: 860-486-7951<tel:860-486-7951><>

From: International Studies Association <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 2:28 PM
To: Kashwan, Prakash <>
Subject: Deadline Approaching! ISA 2023 Proposal Submissions

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Don't forget to submit your proposal for #ISA2023!

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64th Annual Convention

Call for Proposals

March 15th - 18th, 2023, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Deborah Avant, ISA President
Erica Chenoweth and Swati Parashar, Program Chairs

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2022
(Proposal Guidelines Below)

Real Struggles, High Stakes:
Cooperation, Contention, and Creativity

Iterative waves of global crises have generated challenges in nearly every 
corner of human life. Catastrophic climate change, an ever-morphing global 
pandemic, widening democratic decline, rising economic inequality, increasing 
violence, and worries of geopolitical rivalry and war join deeply entrenched 
systemic racism and sexism to create a toxic cocktail. Meanwhile, studying and 
teaching about global affairs has become more difficult as the academy faces 
its own uncertainties surrounding health, equity, funding, and disputes over 
free expression.

High stakes can produce cooperation as we have seen in the unprecedented 
mobilization around women's issues, racial justice, climate change, support for 
democracy, and, most recently, Ukraine. It can prompt anxiety and contention as 
it has, for instance, in increasing polarization and repressive police 
responses to social protests across many parts of the globe and in Russia's 
invasion of Ukraine. And, when faced with dire circumstances, people can be 
quite creative - in caring for others, in generating solidarity, or in 
understanding and solving problems.

The 2023 conference aims to address this high-stakes moment and our responses 
to it. We see great value in exploring how this time is framed and understood 
among the different sections, regions, and caucuses in ISA; within distinct 
theoretical, epistemological, and ontological traditions; and among 
practitioners and scholars. We especially encourage proposals that engender 
conversation between those with different substantive, theoretical, 
epistemological, and historical positions. Finally, we urge reflection on how 
this moment is impacting different members of the academy and the practitioners 
(including activists) with whom they engage as well as how academic 
organizations and scholars are responding.

In contemplating these issues, we encourage proposals that take full advantage 
of the array of organizational modes - from town halls to cafes to junior 
scholar symposia to pedagogy conversations to poster sessions (perhaps with 
coffee and/or cocktails) to "office hours" to roundtables and panels. We also 
hope for proposals for field reports related to different themes. Field reports 
could cover the state of thought in particular areas, what is happening on the 
ground, particularly successful collaborations, or efforts to bridge the gap 
between academics and practitioners, to name a few possibilities. In short, we 
encourage proposals with innovative modes of gathering as well as innovative 
ideas and research.

You might consider the following questions to generate proposals:

  *   How have people, communities, organizations, regional and global 
institutions, and states responded to extraordinary difficulties in the past?
  *   Are there lessons, positive or negative, to be learned for today, for the 
  *   What are the roles for scholars and scholarship in these high-stake 
  *   What are scholarly responsibilities in these times?
  *   What modes of engaged scholarship - as well as engagement in policy 
advocacy and activism - are possible and most effective and rewarding?
  *   What are the barriers to productive engagement and how can they be 
  *   What kinds of creativity are we seeing, under what circumstances, and 
with what effect?
  *   What are the important sites of contention and struggle in international 
relations/global politics, and in their study? How can we better understand, 
explain, and address such contestation and its effects?
  *   How do struggles intersect to generate high stakes? What forms of 
creativity (in social movements, in policy responses, and in scholarship) 
capture and respond to these intersections?
  *   How does our digital age impact how people respond to crisis?

Submit a 

A Note About Submissions:

You will need to have an existing account in order to submit or be 
submitted on a proposal for the ISA 2023 Convention. ISA membership is not 
required for either proposal submission or conference attendance - only an account (which is free to create) is required.

Types of Submissions

ISA's Governing Council and Program Chairs have defined the types of proposals 
we accept. You can find out more about our submission 
 on our website.

  *   Papers: Accepted papers will be formed into panels by our Program Chairs. 
They require a title (limited to 50 words), an abstract (limited to 200 words), 
three tags, and at least one author.
  *   Panels: Panels are submitted in full with five papers for review by our 
Program Chairs. They require a title (limited to 50 words), an abstract 
(limited to 200 words), three tags, a chair, a discussant, and exactly five 
papers. Please note that we do not accept four or six paper panels.
  *   Roundtables: Roundtables are submitted in full for review by our Program 
Chairs. They do not have papers and are designed for expert discussion on a 
topic. They require a title (limited to 50 words), an abstract (limited to 200 
words), three tags, and at least five participants in addition to one chair.
  *   Junior Scholar Symposium: JSS submissions are not a separate submission 
type, but all individual papers can also be marked for consideration for this 
program (you'll find a check box at the bottom of the general tab in the 
submission form).
  *   Innovative Format Panels: Innovative Format Panels aim to provide 
innovative modes of presentation for participants. Moving beyond the 
traditional panel room format (audience seating in front of a head table and 
podium), these sessions allow submitters some ability to tailor the room setup 
to the needs of the session.
  *   Special Convention Programming: ISA also offers a number of program 
experiences that go beyond these traditional forms of conference participation. 
Check out our special programming opportunities 

Learn More about Submission 


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