Please spread the word

Are you interested in understanding how gender, religion, ethnicity, race,
age, culture, disability, norms, values and behaviour intersect and
influence decision-making in biodiversity governance and nature
conservation? Radboud is looking for an enthusiastic post-doc to join a
project aiming to answer this question and improve the prioritisation of
biodiversity in policy and practice, using theories of transformative
change, justice and intersectionality, among others. With an estimated 1
million species at risk of extinction, we all have our part to play in
halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity.

Please see the full job spec here:

Cristina Y. A. Inoue
Associate Professor
Environmental Governance and Politics
Department of Geography, Planning and Environment | Nijmegen School of
Management | Radboud University
Senior Researcher
Center for Global Studies
Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Universidade de Brasília
CV Lattes

Publicações recentes / Recently published:
INOUE, C.Y.A; FRANCHINI, M. Socio-environmentalism. In: Arlene B. Tickner
and Karen Smith (ed). International Relations from the Global South. Worlds
of Difference. Worlding Beyond the West Series. Routledge 2020.
INOUE, C. Y. A. ; RIBEIRO, T. M. M. L. ; RESENDE, I. S. . Worlding global
sustainability governance. In: Agni Kalfagianni; Doris Fuchs; Anders
Hayden. (Org.). Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance.
1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2020 , p. 59-71
INOUE, Cristina Yumie Aoki. Worlding the Study of Global Environmental
Politics in the Anthropocene: Indigenous Voices from the Amazon. Global
Environmental Politics , v. 18, p. 25-42

Faça consciente, faça diferente!

Substitua o copo descartável por uma caneca durável :)
Apague as luzes ao sair
Feche as torneiras
Use os dois lados do papel
Dê carona...PEDALE!
Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Universidade de Brasília
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Prédio do Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Asa Norte
CEP 70.910-900

55 61 3107 3644
55 61 3107 3637

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