Dear colleagues and friends,

I am very happy to share the news and link to a new book on *Partnerships
for Sustainability: Pathways to Effectiveness*, as well as a related
article in *World Development*.

Adnonova, L., M. Faul and D. Piselli, edts. 2022.  *Partnerships for
Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance: Pathways to Effectiveness*.

Andonova, L. and  D. Piselli,  “Transnational partnerships, domestic
institutions, and sustainable development. The case of Brazil and the
Amazon Region Protected Areas program” *World Development*, 157:105809, 1-14
In the book, together with a fantastic group of contributors, we propose
and apply a new disaggregated framework for analyzing the effectiveness of
transnational initiatives and other institutions in the context of complex
governance.  Both publications are available in open access and hope that
they would be of interest to many.

With best wishes,

Liliana Andonova
Professor, Department of IR/Political Science
Co-Director, Center for International Environmental Studies
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2; 1202 Geneva, Switzerland; Tel: (+41 22) 908 59 43
New in paperback: Andonova, L.B. 2017. Governance Entrepreneurs.
International Organizations and the Rise of Global Public-Private
*2019 Chadwick F. Alger Prize and Harold and Margaret Sprout Award
International Studies Association*

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