Dear GEP-ed/ESS Colleagues: Passing on information about a variety of
potentially useful 1-hour long introductory workshops organized by Even though these are not specifically focused on GEP, these
may be of broad interest to even those who don't do quantitative analysis.
On the other hand, for those interested in a deep dive, they are also
offering a day-long workshop on a relatively new approach of Necessary
Condition Analysis (NCA) -- Please see the information below.
My best wishes,
p.s. I will be consulting Michael about whether this kind of (mis)use of
this valuable list is permissible : )

*Free 1-hour introductions to SPSS, Stata, Mplus, and R*
Instats is pleased to announce four new livestreaming *1-hour introductions
to SPSS, Stata, Mplus, and R*. Registration is entirely free, and each
workshop is designed to provide participants with a hands-on overview of
the software interfaces, importing and managing data, descriptive
statistics, and inferential statistics including univariate methods
(regression/ANOVA) as well as multivariate methods (factor analysis/path
analysis/SEM). Basic plotting methods will be described along with special
features such as bootstrapping and Bayesian analysis where applicable. To
register for free, you can use the following links -- and please feel free
to tell any colleagues or students who you think might be interested!

* SPSS seminar *(May 31):

* Stata seminar *(June 7):

* Mplus seminar *(June 14):

*R with RStudio seminar *(June 21):

*TITLE: Free 1-day seminar on Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)*

For your research, if you've ever wanted to understand and model causal
effects in a rigorous way that reflects the complexity of the real-world,
Instats is offering a free 1-day workshop: Introduction to Necessary
Condition Analysis (NCA)
running May 10 -- spaces are limited, so sign up soon! NCA understands a
cause as a necessary (but not sufficient) condition, rather than a
probabilistic cause (as in regression analysis). “Necessary” means that a
certain outcome will not occur without a certain level of the condition.
This is independent of the rest of the causal structure. NCA is rapidly
entering a variety of research fields and can be used as a stand-alone
method or in combination with other methods (e.g., regression analysis,
structural equation modeling, qualitative comparative analysis).

This free 1-day seminar is being taught by Jan Dul, who invented NCA and
co-authored the R package for NCA. Registration is entirely free! This
seminar is perfect if, like many of us, you've wanted a way to go beyond
simplistic ANOVA or regression-based approaches to causal effect
estimation. The seminar will introduce you to NCA and then show you how to
conduct analyses and make causal inferences through a series of worked
examples. To register for free, use the following link -- and please feel
free to tell your colleagues and friends/students!

Contact: Michael Zyphur <>
Institute for Statistical and Data Science
<http://goog_711907693>** <>

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