The DISCCRS symposium application deadline (October 2, 2005) is rapidly approaching and I wanted to ask for your help, again, to distribute the following announcement to any and all new climate-change researchers that you know of.  We have gotten the word out in a variety of ways, but having top professionals like yourselves directly urge some of your students and colleagues to apply (or applying yourself if you completed your PhD between Oct. 1, 2002 - Sept. 30, 2005) will be greatly appreciated.
Ron Mitchell and Sue Weiler, DISCCRS Co-PIs
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues:
As an established and respected professional who is interested in furthering work related to climate change, we hope you will spread the word about a new initiative to help jump-start the careers of new interdisciplinary climate-change scientists -- see

The Dissertation Initiative for the advancement of Climate-Change ReSearch (DISCCRS, pronounced "discourse") is designed to prepare recent Ph.D. graduates for interdisciplinary careers focusing on climate change and its impacts. DISCCRS is funded by NSF and NASA.

DISCCRS includes web-based resources -- -- and annual symposia where a select group of recent doctoral graduates can expand their scientific and professional outlook and forge lasting collegial relationships. Graduates from Ph.D. programs throughout the world and spanning the full spectrum of natural- and social-science disciplines related to climate change/impacts are eligible to apply. A committee will select thirty-six participants based on the submitted applications.
     DISCCRS II Symposium
     March 26 - April 2, 2006, Asilomar, CA
     Eligibility: Ph.D. completed Oct. 1, 2002 - Sept. 30, 2005
                       Any discipline related to climate change or impacts
     see for application instructions
     Application Deadline: October 2, 2005

Please forward this message to your students, recent graduates, and colleagues. Questions should be directed to C. Susan Weiler, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you,
DISCCRS Program Directors
  Sue Weiler, Whitman College, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ron Mitchell, University of Oregon

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