Dear GEP-ED members,

I would like to introduce myself, as I am a new member of the
listserv.   I am a PhD student at Yale's School of Forestry and
Environmental Studies.   Before coming to Yale, I was a climate
policy analyst for a small non-profit organization and focused my
time on US state and regional climate policy.  I received my
undergraduate degree at Yale College in Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology and a Masters in Environmental Management at Yale's School of
Forestry and Environmental Studies.  It has been wonderful to be back
at Yale -- and in an academic community again.

During my doctoral studies, I hope to explore whether non-state
market driven governance could be effective in enhancing the
management of protected areas, especially as these managers will need to
adopt adaptation strategies to counter climate change effects.   I am
working with Professor Ben Cashore at Yale (who is also on the GEP-ED

I very much look forward to being a part of the listserv.
Thank you for your time.

All the best,

Kelly Levin

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