Dear Colleagues:
Greetings. I am writing because in the relatively near future our department is going to be moving to a new building. I asked the administration whether we could get roof access to do environmental monitoring or to place solar panels to provide energy to constantly run some nature and research-oriented programming on TVs a few floors below in the student lounge. Though they admin seems open to the idea, they also need a proposal in 2 weeks. So, given these time constraints (and my inexperience!) I thought I might reach out to colleagues who have had success setting up various types of systems as described above. I would like to do this for the obvious educational and environmental reasons, but have no experience. The area we have to work with is about 20 feet by 20 feet, we are in the arid city of Las Vegas, and there are no taller buildings or mountains next to us. I am open to all ideas, including joining a government or university monitoring network so we add value to that which already exists. It would be wonderful if we can display the real-time data we collect in the lounge or on the web. Does anyone care to share plans they have used or maybe offer some other guidance? We would like our actions to provide a good example to our students.
Best wishes,
PS Apologies for cross-posting
Dr. William James Smith, Jr.
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Studies
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 454030
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4030
phone:  (702) 895-4439
fax:  (702) 895-4436

Adjunct Assistant Professor
The University of Iowa
Department of Geography

Some samples of ongoing research (most not included, but
available upon request)--

Micronesian Source Water Protection Coalition
   Old man, Ouaninou, Ivory Coast
"I admire your courage and I know that you are doing everything in your
   power to give us water, but may I give you some advice? <...> I have
   noticed that in the dry season the termite hills continue to grow. And
   termites need a lot of water. They look for water in the brooks deep
   down in the earth. I know the location of the termite hills in the
   fields around the village. Do you see the one located at the lowest
   level? Put your machine there. You'll find water there". An old man
   from a village close to Ouaninou, in the Western part of Ivory Coast,
   talking to the head of a well drilling team that had drilled
   unsuccessfully for water for three days. The following day the team
   found water at the location indicated by the old man.
(Clavreul, J.Y. (2003). The wisdom of the elderly, water and termite hills.
   In: Graaf, S. de (ed). Water stories. Delft, The Netherlands, IRC, )

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