

Not unrelated at all! I can't wait to see everyone's responses.


I especially like the following qualitative analytical texts:


Clark, Tim W. 2002. The policy process: a practical guide for natural resource professionals. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.


Brewer, Garry D. and Peter deLeon. 1983. The foundations of policy analysis. The Dorsey Press, Chicago.


I use Clark annually in my advanced (i.e., senior) undergraduate environmental policy seminar.









Richard L. Wallace

Director, Environmental Studies Program

Ursinus College

P.O. Box 1000

Collegeville, PA 19426

(610) 409-3730

(610) 409-3660 fax






From: Raul Pacheco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:25 PM
To: GEP-ed@listserve1.allegheny.edu
Subject: Public policy analysis sources


Dear all,


I am aware that many of you may think this is as a totally unrelated question but here it goes anyway.


I am looking for relevant sources in public policy analysis. Particularly I want my students to understand the different policy analysis tools of the trade. I would appreciate if anyone could direct me towards basic-yet-key sources.


I am happy to post a compilation if desired by the list-serv members.


Thanks in advance,



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