Hi all,


In response to my bibliography, I received the following e-mail, which contains a link to a podcast that will be of interest to those of you with Arctic/Native/climate change interests.


Sorry again for cross-postings.








Richard L. Wallace, Ph.D.

Director, Environmental Studies Program

Ursinus College

601 E. Main Street

Collegeville, PA 19426 USA

(610) 409-3730

(610) 409-3660 fax



"If you travel in hope rather than with certain knowledge, something interesting usually happens."

Pete McCarthy

From: Alison Laborderie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 4:21 AM
To: Wallace, Richard
Subject: Re: [SSWG] Social effects of climate change / TNC podcast



The Nature Conservancy does a podcast with stories on "the intersection between people and place." On 24 May 2006 they posted a story that may interest you:

"Chronic erosion and flooding driven by climate change is making the remote Alaskan village of Shishmaref uninhabitable, so much so that the thousand-year-old Inupiaq Eskimo community wants to move their entire village."

You can listen to it at this link:

Or you can right-click and chose "Save-As" to download it to your desktop or MP3 player and listen at your convenience. It's about 30 minutes.


PS-You can see all the podcasts at http://www.nature.org/podcasts/

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