Are there established programs at colleges and universities in the U.S., or
perhaps elsewhere, offering education in "capacity building"?  


Capacity building covers a lot of ground.  


So, I'm thinking more specifically of programs that teach, for example, the
skills needed to create and manage local civil society organizations, or to
navigate and succeed in multi-organizational environments of the kind that
typically surround resource management and sustainable development projects.
I'm less interested in programs that train people to be civil servants or
administrators or attorneys.  And I'm not at all interested in certificate,
short course, or degree programs aiming to teach "sustainable development"
or the "principles of environmental management" for application in
developing countries, or in the disadvantaged parts of developed countries.


I guess my assumption is that capacity building is a prelude to political
and policy change.  So, are there programs "out there" that teach people to
be effective change agents - maybe that's a better way of putting it.


It might be well to send responses off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'll be
happy to compile useful responses and circulate those.



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