Greetings GEP-Ed folks,


I write to invite those of you interested in species and ecosystem
conservation to consider participating in the 2008 annual meeting the
Society for Conservation Biology (SCB). I want to reach out to you in
the hopes of widening our network of social scientists who are doing
applied work within this realm. SCB is an 8,000-member international
professional organization. Its Social Science Working Group (SSWG) is a
global community of conservation professionals interested in the
application of social science to the conservation of biological
diversity. With nearly 600 members in 60 countries, SSWG is home to
social scientists (anthropologists, economists, historians, human
geographers, political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and many
others), ethicists, natural scientists, and conservation practitioners
(governmental, nongovernmental, business sectors).


The meeting to which I would like to invite you is the 2008 SCB annual
meeting, which is being held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, on July
13-17, 2008. Among the meeting's themes are "Land Conservation and
Terrestrial Diversity," "Freshwater Ecosystems," and "Coastal and Marine
Conservation." The SSWG has been asked by the meeting's organizers to
promote social science contributions to the meeting agenda and to
promote collaborations between social and natural scientists interested
in conservation issues that transcend location- or case-specific


General information on the meeting is available here:


There are two deadlines for submitting proposals to participate in the


-          Proposals for large-format sessions (symposia, workshops,
discussion groups, and short courses) may now be submitted and are due
no later than October 24th. 


-          Abstracts for individual papers may be submitted between
October 31st and January 16th. 


Details for the large-format sessions can be found at the conference


Details for individual abstracts have not yet been posted. I will send
another e-mail when they are available, alerting you to the opportunity
and details.


If you are interested in participating in the meeting and have
additional questions, please contact Rich Wallace, vice president of


Thank you, and apologies for cross-postings!








Richard L. Wallace, Chair

Environmental Studies Program
Ursinus College
P.O. Box 1000
Collegeville, PA 19426
(610) 409-3730
(610) 409-3660 fax


Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there's no
particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done.

-          Rudolf Flesch


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