I've been asked to forward this request to the list. If you can help, please 
respond directly to Renato at his e-mail address below.









I'm a law postgraduate student recently turned into a biologist. I'm studying 
ecotoxicology and the precautionary principle.


What I mean to do with my dissertation (at the Law School of the Federal 
University of Santa Catarina - UFSC - Brazil) is to study what criteria (if 
there are any) should be followed by the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO to 
distinguish a precautionary measure from a arbitrary and illegal trade barrier. 
So I'm studying sovereignty, "sound science", precautionary principle, 
ecotoxicology, and, of course, International law, always pursuing a way to 
understand how is it possible (if it is) for an international organization (the 
WTO) to decide that a precautionary measure adopted by a nation or a region is 
actually NOT precautionary, but arbitrary.


So I would like to talk with anyone working in that field (international trade 
and environment) to know what publications should a read (I'm currently reading 
"Precautionary politics", by Kerry Whiteside), and also to exchange some ideas.


Also, if you know a professor from Columbia or NYU researching either 
international trade and environment, either law and economics, I would like a 
contact. First to get some advice concerning my dissertation. Second, I´m 
interested in applying to Columbia or NYU for a JSD (that in 2009). So I would 
like to know what kind of study could I possibly develop at the University (in 
Brazil, at least, a postgraduate student must converge to some of the research 
projects of the professors, ask to be oriented in his dissertation or thesis 
and previously convince the professor that he is worth the effort. And I'm 
supposing the situation will be similar in NY, except with much more 


That's it. Thank you.


Renato Lisboa Altemani ([EMAIL PROTECTED])




Pamela S. Chasek, Ph.D.
Editor, Earth Negotiations Bulletin
IISD Reporting Services


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