Hi my friends and colleagues:

I hope that you will forgive what might come across as a minor act of
self-promotion, but I thought that this might be of interest to some of
you looking at the intersection between environmental politics,
aboriginality/indigeneity, and ecotourism.  I therefore provide for your
interest a link to this article about an ecotourism site established by
the Tsou aboriginal nation of Taiwan, that I have just published in the
international journal Annals of Tourism Research.  The story of the Tsou
is, I think, an important one, and I hope that I have not done it an
injustice in the telling.







PS: One minor typo.  The Tsou conservation ethic is called "autucu" or
"aututsu", where each u has a horizontal line through it (a unique Tsou
sound).  This special character evaded ATR so it was dropped and the
word was incorrectly rendered "atc".  This in turn escaped my notice!



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Article title: TAIWAN ABORIGINAL ECOTOURISM: Tanayiku Natural Ecology
Reference: ATR1318
Journal title: Annals of Tourism Research Corresponding author: Dr.
William T. Hipwell First author: Dr. William T. Hipwell PDF offprint
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