Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.

Michele M. Betsill
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
From: Andrea J. Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 10:50 AM
To: Betsill,Michele
Subject: Western Water Assessment Post-doc announcement

I'm writing you all because
you may know someone who would be appropriate for a  Post-Doctoral
Research Associate we're hiring for the Western Water Assessment,
which is one of the the NOAA-funded Regional Integrated Science and
Assessment (RISA) programs.

This person will work with Brad Udall and I and others at WWA, which is
housed at the NOAA Earth Systems Research Labs
here in Boulder.  Feel free to forward this announcement to others who
may be interested.

I'd be happy to talk to anyone  who is interested in applying.  Although
we say in the announcement that the review of applications will start
"October 15, 2007 and continue until the position is filled" that's
probably going to be pushed a bit later b/c of work commitments around
here and
b/c we (OK, I) have been slow on disseminating if someone lets
me know they're interested, we can wait a week so for their application!

The job is posted at:; and the WWA
webpage is:

Best Regards,

Andrea Ray
fn:Andrea J. Ray, Ph.D.
n:Ray;Andrea J.
org:Physical Sciences Division (formerly the Climate Diagnostics Center);NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory
adr;dom:;;303-497-6434;fax 303-497-6449;Boulder, CO
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Research Scientist

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