Dear all,

This just came in through the Environmental Studies Section website 
( and I am forwarding it here since we do not seem to 
have a newsletter at the moment. Note the invitation for submissions on climate 
change at the end.

Marcus Schaper

From:   Marc Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Tuesday - October 2, 2007 3:52 
Subject:        Law & Policy --
Attachments:    Mime.822 (2725 bytes)   [View] [Save As]

To Whom It May Concern:

The journal Law & Policy may be of interest to your members, and we invite
you to include journal information on your website.

Focusing on legal and policy issues across jurisdictions, Law & Policy
publishes peer-reviewed articles that promote interdisciplinary
dialogue about the governmental and regulatory activities of both state and
non-state actors.

Environmental law and policy in particular has been the focus of several
special issues (e.g., Regulation of Business Behavior, Toxic Torts,
Environmental Regulation (in Japan)) and past articles (e.g., environmental

law and policy in South America).

A special issue on Global Warming is planned for 2008, and your members are

invited to submit their work for consideration.

Journal information:

For more information please contact the editorial office at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Marc Davies, Managing Editor.

Nancy Reichman, Co-Editor

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