Greetings GEP-Ed folks,


I write to invite those of you interested in species and ecosystem
conservation to participate in the 2008 annual meeting of the Society
for Conservation Biology (SCB). SCB is a 12,000-member international
professional organization (see <>
for more information). You last heard from me about this meeting in
September when I invited you to prepare proposals for symposia,
workshops, and other large-format sessions. The purpose of this e-mail
is to invite you to submit an abstract for either an oral or poster
presentation at the meeting, which is being held in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, on July 13-17, 2008. The meeting theme is "From the Mountains
to the Sea" and will examine three extended themes:    


*          Land Conservation and Terrestrial Diversity    

*          Freshwater Ecosystems    

*          Coastal and Marine Conservation    


Contributions from all fields of conservation research and practice are
welcome, including natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. 


I wish to make a particular effort to encourage the social scientists
among you to consider this invitation, in the hopes of widening SCB's
network of social scientists who are doing work in applied conservation.
SCB's Social Science Working Group (SSWG) is a global community of
conservation professionals interested in the application of social
science to the conservation of biological diversity. With nearly 700
members in 65 countries, SSWG is home to social scientists
(anthropologists, economists, historians, human geographers, political
scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and many others), ethicists,
natural scientists, and conservation practitioners (governmental,
nongovernmental, business sectors). The SSWG has been asked by the
meeting's organizers to promote social science contributions to the
meeting agenda and to promote collaborations between social and natural
scientists interested in conservation issues that transcend location- or
case-specific application. 


General information on the meeting is available here:


Details for submitting abstracts are available here: 


The abstract deadline is January 16th. 


If you are interested in participating in the meeting and have
additional questions, please contact me. 


Thank you, and apologies for cross-postings!










Richard L. Wallace, Ph.D.

Chair, Environmental Studies Program
Ursinus College
P.O. Box 1000
Collegeville, PA 19426
(610) 409-3730
(610) 409-3660 fax


It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are
we busy about? 

        - Henry David Thoreau


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