Hey All,      As part of the Asian Development Bank project I mentioned before, 
I've been asked to write a short case study on the evolution of subsidiarity in 
the EU -- in particular, recounting the history of how environmental protection 
in the EU evolved from a system with a relatively weak center and strong 
affiliated states (some of which had quite low environmental protection 
standards and/or practices) to one where a stronger center ensures pretty good 
compliance with directives and regulations in Member States.  Was this achieved 
primarily through ECJ decisions, conditional funding, threats of other 
sanctions, membership requirements, etc.?

This is a long way of asking whether any of you could refer me to good articles 
on the development of subsidiarity policies in the environmental field. 

thanks,        jim

Jim Salzman
Samuel Fox Mordecai Professor of Law
Nicholas Institute Professor of Environmental Policy
Duke University
P.O. Box 90360
Durham, NC     27708
tel. (919)613.7185
fax (919)613.7231

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