This list is circulating on other lists, and I thought it would be of
interest to GEP folks. Apologies for cross-postings.







From: ASA Environmental Sociology Section List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Zavestoski
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:22 AM
Subject: Results: Globalization and Environment recommendations




Below is the list I compiled based on recommendations sent in response
to my request for readings on globalization and the environment. I
sorted them by articles and books. The list of articles is rather
complete, and alphabetized. The books are titles only in some cases and
not in any order.


Thanks to all who sent suggestions, especially Chris Biga whose reading
list on global environmental inequalities constitutes most of the
suggestions below.





Globalization and Environment Bibliography


Articles/Book Chapters


Abu-Lughod, J.L. 1995. "The world-system perspective in the construction
of economic history. History 

and Theory, 34(2): 86-98. 


Bell, M.M. 2005. "The Vitality of Difference:  Systems Theory, the
Environment, and the Ghost of 

Parsons."  Society and Natural Resources.  18(5): 471-478. 


Bunker, S. G. 1984. "Modes of Extraction, Unequal Exchange, and the
Progressive Underdevelopment of an Extreme Periphery: The Brazilian
Amazon, 1600-1980." American Journal of Sociology. 89: 1017-64. J. 


Bunker, S.G. 1992. "Natural resource extraction and power differentials
in the world economy". Pp 61-84 

in S. Ortiz & S. Lees (Eds.), Understanding economic process
Washington, DC: University Presses of 



Bunker, S.G. 1994. "The political economy and ecology of raw material
extraction and trade.. In R. 

Socolow, C. Andrews, F. Berkhout, & V. Thomas (Eds.), Industrial ecology
and global change. 

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 


Bunker, S.G. 1996. "Raw materials and the global economy: Oversights and
distortions in industrial 

ecology." Society and Natural Resources, 9: 419-429. 


Bunker, S.G. 2003. "Matter, space, energy, and political economy: The
Amazon in the world-system" 

Journal of World-Systems Research. 9: 219-258. 


Bunker, S.G. 2005. "How Ecologically Uneven Developments Put the Spin on
the Treadmill of 

Production." Organization & Environment. 18(1): 38-54. 


Bunker, S.G. 2005. "The Poverty of Resource Extraction" Research in
Rural Sociology and Development. 

11: 211-226 


Bunker, S.G., Ciccantell, P 1995. "Reorganizing markets /restructuring
nature: The economy and ecology 

of Japan's global search for raw materials." Journal of World Systems
Research, 1: 109-130. 


Ciccantell, P., Bunker, S.G. 2002. "International inequality in the age
of globalization: Japanese 

economic ascent and the restructuring of the capitalist world economy."
Journal of World System 

Research. 8(1): 62-98. 


Ciccantell, P.S, Smith, D.A. 2005. "Nature, Raw Materials, and Political
Economy: An Introduction" I.10: 



Peter Grimes and Jeffrey Kentor.  2005.  "Exporting the Greenhouse:
Foreign Capital Penetration and CO2 Emissions, 1980-1996."  Journal of
World-Systems Research 9: 261-275.


Freudenburg, W.R., Wilson, L.J. 2002. "Mining the Data: Analyzing the
Economic Implications of Mining 

for Nonmetropolitan Regions." Sociological Inquiry. 72(4): 549-575 


Frey, R.S. 1998. "The Export of Hazardous Industries to the Peripheral
Zones of the World-System." 

Journal of Developing Societies, 14: 66-81. 


Frey, R.S. 2002. "The Maquiladora Centers of Northern Mexico: Transfer
of the Core's Hazardous 

Production Processes to the Periphery." Nature, Society, and
Thought.15(4): 391-432. 


Gregory, R. J. 2004. "What Is World Systems All about? An Introduction
for Human Ecologists" Journal 

of Human Ecology. 16(3): 193-196. 


Hecht, S. 2005. "Extraction, Gender and Neoliberalism in the Western
Amazon" Research in Rural 

Sociology and Development. 10: 253-285 


Jorgenson, A.K., Burns, T.J. 2004. "Globalization, the Environment, and
Infant Mortality: A Cross 

National Study." Humboldt Journal of Social Relations. 28(1): 7-52 


Jorgenson, A.K."Uneven Processes and Environmental Degradation in the
World-Economy" Human 

Ecology Review. 11(2): 103-117 


Jorgenson, Andrew K. "Consumption and Environmental Degradation: A
Cross-National Analysis of the 

Ecological Footprint" Social Problems. 50(3): 374-394. 


Papadakis, E. 2002. "Social Theory and the Environment: A
Systems-Theoretical Perspective." Pp. 119- 

143 in R.E. Dunlap, F.H. Buttel, P. Dickens, A. Gijswijt (eds.) Social
Theory and the Environment: 

Classical Foundations, Contemporary Insights. NY: Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers, Inc.


Roberts, J.T. 2001. "Global Inequality and Climate Change." Society and
Natural Resources, 14(6): 501- 



Roberts, J.T.  and Grimes, P.E.  1997.  "Carbon Intensity and Economic
Development: A Brief Exploration of the Environmental Kuznets Curve."
World Development 25: 191-198.


Roberts, J.T., Grimes, P.E. 1999. "Extending the World-System to the
Whole System: Towards a Political 

Economy of the Biosphere." Pp.. 59-83 in Walter L. Goldfrank, David
Goodman, and Andrew Szasz (Eds)  

Ecology and the World-System. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 


Roberts, J.T. and P. E. Grimes 2002. "World-System Theory and the
Environment: Toward a New Synthesis." Pp. 167-196 in R.E. Dunlap, F.H.
Buttel, P. Dickens, A.  Gijswijt (eds.) Social Theory and the
Environment: Classical Foundations, Contemporary Insights. NY: Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 


Schrank, A. 2005. "Peasants, Planters, and the Predatory State: Export
Diversification in the Dominican 

Republic, 1970-2000." Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 10:


Smith, D.A. 2005. "Starting at the Beginning: Extractive Economies as
the Unexamined Origins of Global 

Commodity Chains." Research in Rural Sociology and Development. 10:


Sonnenfeld and Mol. 2002. "Globalization and the Transformation of
Environmental Governance: An Introduction." American Behavioral
Scientist 45(9) (also available online:


Wallerstein, I. 2002. "New Revolts against the System." New Left Review.
18:  29-39. 




Corporate Planet

Exporting Environmenalism

Paths to a Green World

Imposing Wilderness

Resource Rebels

Trouble in Paradise: Globalization and Environmental Crises in Latin
America (Roberts and Thanos, Routledge 2003)

The Globalization of Environmental Crisis (Oosthoek and Gills, 2007)

The Politics of the Environment (Okereke, 2007)

A Climate of Injstice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and
Climate Policy (Roberts and Parks, MIT, 2007)

Globalization and Environmental Reform (Mol, MIT, 2002)

Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the
Global Electronics Industry (Smith, Sonnenfeld and Pellow, Temple, 2006)

Footprints on the Earth: The Human Dimensions of Global Environmental
Change (Dietz, Rosa, Jaeger, Diekman, MIT, forthcoming)

Globalization and the Environment: A Reader (edited by Richard Robbins
and Gary Kroll, AltaMira Press, forthcoming)

Worlds Apart: Globalization And The Environment (Speth, Island Press

Goldfrank, W.L., Goodman, D. and Szasz, A. 1999. Ecology and the
World-System,. Westport, CT: 

Greenwood Press. 

Bunker, S.G. 1985. Underdeveloping the Amazon: Extraction, unequal
exchange, and the failure of the 

modern state.. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 

Ciccantell, P., Bunker, S.G. 1998. Space and Transport in the
World-System, Westport, CT: Greenwood 


The Treadmill of Production: Injustice and Unsustainability in the
Global Economy (Gould, Pellow and Schnaiberg, Paradigm, 2008)



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