Friends and Colleagues,


While I am reasonably familiar with the environmental positions and
records of Senators McCain, Obama & Biden, I know little of Gov. Palin's

Below are both the link and the text of a recent op-ed piece by a U of
Alaska professor on her record... 



Sarah Palin's record on environment is abysmal


While I disagree with many of Sen. John McCain's policies, I was willing
to concede that he may at least make a wise, rational president and
represent a step in the right direction for the nation. No longer. With
his pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, he has shown a
spectacular, even dangerous lack of judgment.

In addition to her frightening lack of qualification to be vice
president (much less president) of the United States, Palin is an
evangelical, anti-choice, pro-gun, right-wing conservative who wants
creationism taught in schools. She is currently under investigation by
the Alaska Legislature for alleged abuse of office. Many of us in Alaska
simply cannot imagine Palin having anything to do with U.S. foreign
policy, domestic policy, national defense or the countless other affairs
of federal governance.

A particularly worrisome aspect of the Palin candidacy is her abysmal
record on the environment during her two years as Alaska governor, and
how that would translate into national environmental policy if she
became vice president. Her environmental record as governor of the
nation's "last frontier" deserves close examination.

*  Climate change. Although Alaska is ground zero in the crisis of
global warming, Palin has done virtually nothing to address the problem
except hold meetings and appoint a "climate sub-cabinet" that likewise
has done little. Lots of talk, no action. Although in the past two years
the Arctic summer sea ice shrunk to the lowest levels ever recorded,
Palin apparently does not believe it is human-induced or cause for
alarm. She was asked to establish an Alaska Office on Climate Change, an
Alaska Climate Response Fund (based on a tax on Alaska oil production)
and emissions reduction targets for Alaska, but has taken no action on
those requests.

*  Polar bears. This summer, Palin filed suit against the Bush
administration over the federal listing of polar bears as threatened,
saying that her opposition was based on a "comprehensive scientific
review." But when asked to release the scientific review, she refused.
The document, later obtained by the public (from the federal
government), clearly shows that, contrary to Palin's assertions, the
state of Alaska's marine mammal scientists agreed with the federal
conclusions that the polar bears are in serious trouble because of
global warming and loss of their sea ice habitat, and that they would be
gone from Alaska by 2050. Palin clearly decided to oppose the listing in
order to protect Arctic oil and gas development, then publicly
misrepresented the basis for her decision, and then tried to conceal all
of that. Having run for office on a platform of honesty and
transparency, this behavior was neither. Her extreme position here puts
her to the political right of the Bush /Cheney administration.

*  Endangered species. Earlier this year, Palin approved a $2 million
state appropriation for a conference on the "economic impacts" of the
Endangered Species Act, designed to persuade the public that ESA
listings were too costly and unwarranted. Recently she agreed to use the
money instead to fund the state's lawsuit against the Bush
administration over the polar bear listing -- a likely violation of the
state constitutional provisions on appropriation. She opposes additional
species listings and other protections in Alaska, where many species are
at risk because of climate change and other threats.

*  Predator control. Palin approved and expanded the state's aerial
predator control program, where wolves are shot from aircraft and bears
hunted from aircraft and killed upon landing. This year, her state
biologists even dragged 14 newborn wolf pups from their den and, having
already shot their parents, then shot each of the pups in the head at
close range. Last year, her administration offered a $150 bounty for
each wolf killed until the bounty was ruled illegal by the courts.
Hundreds of wolves are killed each year by this antiquated state program
that has no scientific justification whatsoever, but rather is designed
to appease Palin's urban sport hunter supporters.

*  Pebble mine. Palin aggressively opposed the "clean water initiative"
on the August ballot in Alaska (which then failed), favoring instead
foreign mining company desires for fewer government regulations
controlling their toxic effluent into salmon streams. She has supported
virtually any and all mining proposals that have come her way, even
likely the enormous Pebble gold and silver mine proposed in the Bristol
Bay watershed. That plan put at risk the largest runs of sockeye salmon
in the world, where this summer fishermen caught more than 27 million

*  Oil and gas drilling. Palin has supported oil and gas drilling plans
anywhere in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
the central Arctic, the entire Arctic Ocean, and in fish-rich Bristol
Bay and Cook Inlet. On her watch, regulation and government oversight of
Alaska oil facilities is terribly lacking, and she has declined to
establish a citizens' advisory council to provide more effective public
oversight of the expanding oil and gas operations in Arctic Alaska.

*  Exxon Valdez oil spill damages. Palin refuses to push Exxon to pay
the government for the unanticipated environmental injuries from the
disastrous 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Almost 20 years later, the
private case is still unresolved and the governments likewise have yet
to collect full payment from Exxon. Shortly before Palin took office in
2006, the governments presented Exxon with a demand to pay $92 million
for this additional environmental damage, but her administration has
since not pressed the issue nor taken Exxon to court to collect the
money. Meanwhile, Exxon reaps record profits from Alaska.

*  Trans Pacific shipping. Palin repeatedly has been asked by coastal
residents and organizations to enhance the safety of merchant shipping
through Alaska's Aleutian Islands, a primary shipping route between Asia
and North America, but she's done nothing. Citizens want better vessel
tracking, powerful rescue tugs along the route and a risk assessment.
While her predecessor funded a scoping study, the Palin administration
has not appropriated one dime to improve shipping safety through the
Aleutians, and says it will take no further action to reduce risk for
several years into the future.

The pattern is clear. On the environment, Sarah Palin is essentially
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and perhaps James Watt rolled into one, but
with a more pleasant demeanor. At a time when the nation and world
urgently need strong environmental leadership from the United States, it
is important to look beyond charisma and carefully consider the
environmental implications of our vote in November.

Rick Steiner is a professor at the University of Alaska.







Stacy D. VanDeveer
Associate Professor 

University of New Hampshire
Dept. of Political Science
Horton SSC
Durham, NH 03824 USA 


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